Hull Daily Mail

Driver’s shock as yobs hurl brick through window on busy Hull road



A HGV driver wants to warn other drivers after a brick was thrown at his windscreen on a busy Hull road.

Mark Barlow was travelling along Hedon Road, in east Hull, just before 1pm on Tuesday, when a brick was hurled through the windscreen, showering him in shards of glass.

Mr Barlow managed to keep the 44-tonne lorry under control while he found somewhere safe to pull over, and is grateful there weren’t more people on the roads.

“It could have been a coach full of kids, and there could have been more traffic”, said the 50-yearold, who works for Humber Port Logistics.

“I was just driving over Mount Pleasant flyover heading towards the prison roundabout and there was this almighty bang.

“It was that quick I didn’t see anyone through it, but it certainly hadn’t come off the back of another vehicle because there was no one in front of me.

“I have had birds hit the windscreen in the past, but they don’t even damage the windscreen, so this was a really heavy object.”

Mr Barlow was travelling from Boston to Queen Elizabeth Dock when his lorry was attacked, after delivering a shipment of paper.

“I just got showered in glass – the brick came right through my side of the windshield”, said Mr Barlow, who lives in Thorngumba­ld.

“I’m okay now - I’ve calmed down a bit and dusted most of the glass off, but I’m waiting for a new windscreen before I can return to work.

“I just want people to be cautious when driving down there because it would have been so easy for me to lose control of the lorry, and it doesn’t bear thinking about what would happen if smaller cars got hit.”

Humberside Police have been contacted for comment. Mark Barlow's HGV was struck with a brick in Hedon Road

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