Hull Daily Mail

Rock ‘n’ roll star Noel Gallagher wows fans in Hull



NOEL Gallagher’s High Flying Birds gig came to Hull at the weekend and it did not disappoint.

The Brit Pop superstar was mobbed as he made his way to the venue on Saturday. And after the gig, fans took to Twitter to say just how good the show was.

It seemed that everyone loved what they were seeing so much, they could not stay sat down, despite the “all seating policy” that was put in place for the show, preventing people from standing.

Radio Humberside’s David Burns tweeted: “The all-seating policy for Noel Gallagher at Bonus Arena is working well,” and displayed a picture of the crowd stood up at the show.

This was echoed by Danny Longhorn who also tweeted a similar sentiment. He said: “The sitting down at Noel Gallagher at the Bonus Arena lasted all of about 30 seconds.

“A belting gig and atmosphere, with the crowd in pretty fine voice”.

“Never seen so much Adidas in one place,” said one fan about the concert.

Others took to social media to praise the performer, with Chas Merrifield saying: “Noel Gallagher fantastic tonight in Hull. Blown away. I wanna talk tonight!”

“Noel Gallagher still sounds superb live, top gig tonight in Hull, Keep on Keepin’ on!” said Ollie Roberts.

Andy said: “Love the big gig buzz around Hull that Bonus Arena brings. Bars packed. Roll on Noel Gallagher.

“My wedding night. The birth of my kids. The night I found Gof. Being on Noel Gallagher’s guest list in Hull tonight? It’s up there,” said Matt Woodcock.

Before the gig a Hull couple described the “fantastic” moment they met the main man himself in the city.

Tarah Field, 26, and her fiancée Dan Baldwin, 32, who live just off Wellington Street, were among the crowd at the Bonus Arena to watch Noel Gallagher live on stage.

The pair managed to make a short trip to the arena for his arrival, along with many other fanatic fans, who mobbed the Brit Pop superstar as he made his way to the venue.

Tarah said: “It was fantastic. There must have been about 50 people running towards him. It was a mad sprint. Everyone was getting excited.

“We managed to talk to him, but it was very quick. Everyone was lined up against the fence and he went by everyone signing autographs and having a quick chat. I got a bit shy.”

Fiancée Dan, who has been a fan since Oasis were at their peak in the 1990s, was delighted to finally see “one of the biggest acts in the world” live, and he got a typical Noel response when he spoke to him.

“I said how glad I was to meet him and he just said, ‘yeah nice one innit,’” said Dan.

“He was friendly and warm to everyone and he made sure everybody who turned up got what they came for.

“It is really exciting. I never thought that now I’d be going down the end of the street to see one of the biggest acts in the world playing live in Hull.”

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Noel Gallagher in Hull on Saturday
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