Hull Daily Mail

Read my letter properly before penning a reply


MY letter (Mail, May 8) highlighti­ng the many mistakes in Will Wright’s letter (Mail, May 1) criticisin­g Jenny Stevens has spurred his supporter, Paul Hamner, to defend him (Mail, May 10).

Paul is just as eloquent, but sadly makes just as many mistakes with even less attention to detail.

Firstly by Will describing Jenny Stevens as a “descendant” instead of “relative” of a member of Spain’s 1930’s Internatio­nal Brigade it skilfully damages her credibilit­y and so her argument.

If you’ve genuinely missed that simple technique, Paul, I’ll explain that’s because the British members of the Brigade were so young Jenny is unlikely to be a descendant of one killed there. Destroy the person, destroy their argument, so, no Paul, this is not trivial it’s the crux of Will’s argument.

Just like Will, to support his argument and justify criticisin­g me, Paul introduces “ancestor” to support his and Will’s argument. Totally irrelevant. My aunt is my relative but I’m not her descendant. Wrong Paul.

Third mistake is Paul’s irrelevant rant about bigots and being offensive based totally on Paul’s assertion that Will never used the phrase “free society”.

Sadly, Paul, if you spent more time reading the Mail before you write your letter you’ll find on line 21 of Will’s letter “we live in a free society”. Wrong again.

Fourth mistake is Paul’s assertion that both Will and I both believe freedom of speech is sacrosanct when I emphatical­ly stated in my letter that in law (not my opinion) that was not the case. Totally opposite of what I said. I even quoted a few acts of parliament to prove my point. You totally misread my letter Paul.

Perhaps before writing eloquent but erroneous letters a second read of the Mail is a good idea so you fully grasp the concepts of what has been discussed. Every point you made is either wrong or based on misreading others letters.

Surprising­ly Paul finishes on a personal note suggesting that I should not be alive. I refer you to the awards, commendati­ons, nomination­s and letters of thanks that the community (not the police) gave me while a serving police officer.

Based on the community’s views of my contributi­on to society I’d humbly suggest I’ve earned the right to be alive. I READ the letter from Alan Richards (Mail, May 9), thanking Mary Kingston for her letter of May 7.

This is twice Mr Richards has confused Mary Kingston with Mary Jackson, who wrote the letter.

Mary Kingston is a former East Riding ward councillor and only writes letters about local issues. Sun rays through Nut Wood, Raywell QUICK letter to the loonies. Do us a favour. We know you think it is funny to speed up in your dragsters/ cars when you see an old lady (or gent) who can’t walk fast or who has breathing problems attempting to cross the busy motorway near me, aka Savoy Road on Ings Road Estate, but it’s not really.

So leave your lead-weight boots at home and slow down, it might be a relative. Good drivers are considerat­e. The rest are rubbish.

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