Hull Daily Mail

‘Appalling’ rubbish dump growing


A GIGANTIC mound of flytipped waste in part of east Hull is continuing to grow as more rubbish is dumped on top of it.

What appears to be a fridge, along with a large sofa and building materials, have been dumped on land close to the junction where Mount Pleasant meets James Reckitt Avenue.

Pictures of the site, which backs on to a travellers’ camp, were taken last month showing a huge pile of rubbish that looked to have been thrown over a wall.

However, it now appears the debris has not been cleared and has, in fact, got worse.

Old cupboards and children’s toys have also been added to the increasing­ly large heap that appears to have been disturbed and piled on top of since the original pictures were taken in early April.

The overgrown patch of land is visible from the main road, which connects Hedon Road with north Hull, and is also close to the multi-million pound Energy Works site located in Cleveland Street.

Last month, Hull City Council released figures claiming the number of fly-tipping reports in the city were “falling rapidly” and had reached a five-year low. However, the mound, described by one resident as “appalling”, is causing concern to those who pass it every day.

Speaking last month, a resident said: “There’s a huge pile of all sorts of stuff, including building stuff.

“It looks appalling – there are baths and all sorts.”

The local authority spends more than £250,000 every year on cleaning up after fly-tippers, and Doug Sharp, assistant city manager for Street Scene services, said they take each case “very seriously”.

The worsening state of that part of east Hull comes just weeks after pictures revealed the extent of fly-tipping on the banks of and in Foredyke Drain in Bransholme.

Large metal barriers, shopping trolleys and even traffic cones had been dumped in the water course and on the banks.

Earlier this week, workers in Kirby Street, west Hull, flagged up two more cases of fly-tipping to the council in what was described as “a road traffic accident waiting to happen”.

A mattress, a pet carrier and various other household goods were left spread across the road in what was reportedly the fourth case of its kind in as many weeks.

 ??  ?? Rubbish from fly-tipping blots the landscape
Rubbish from fly-tipping blots the landscape
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