Hull Daily Mail

Father and son scarred by brothers’ savage attack


- By BARNABAS STEPHENSON @barnstephe­nson

A FATHER and son were left with severe injuries after being stabbed with a vodka bottle in violent attack orchestrat­ed by two brothers.

The two victims and the son’s friend had visited Mcdonald’s after celebratin­g the father’s birthday when they were approached by a group, including Brandon Gilchrist, 19, who is currently serving time in HMP Hull, and his older sibling Jordan Gilchrist, 20, of Rosebery Avenue, Bridlingto­n.

Hull Crown Court heard an exchange took place and the younger brother Brandon, who was wielding a vodka bottle, asked “why are you calling me a p **** ”.

Robert Stevenson, defending, told the court the confrontat­ion did briefly de-escalate before the arrival of defendant Scarlett Hilt, 27, who “aggravated” the situation.

The court heard she goaded the younger of the two Gilchrist brothers and telling him the victim was “calling s*** and mugging him up”.

The group surrounded the son as Brandon smashed the vodka bottle over his head on June 22, 2018.

Mr Stevenson said: “He was hit with force to the head by the vodka bottle, which grounded him.”

Brandon continued to attack him with the bottle while the rest of the group, including his older brother Jordan, kicked and stamped on him.

The court heard how the victim’s father attempted to wade through the group to help his son, but a man blocked him from doing so.

Recorder Singh said: “For his trouble he was equally attacked and stabbed in the neck, jaw and arm area.”

The group then set about the friend who had also tried to help the pair.

“They went over to him asking, ‘do you want some’ and assaulted him. He didn’t fight back,” said Mr Stevenson.

The son was left with a wound to the top of his head and face that has resulted in severe scarring. His father was also left with wounds to his chin, neck, shoulder and arm.

Before trial, pleaded guilty to affray, Jordan Gilchrist pleaded guilty to section 20 grievous bodily harm and affray and Brandon Gilchrist admitted to wounding with intent and affray.

During the incident, Brandon had been out on licence after serving a sentence in HMP Hull for a series of violent robberies which took place last year.

Defending him, Paul Genney, asked that his age and lack of previous conviction­s at the time of the attack were taken into considerat­ion.

He said: “He was heavily in drink with others older than himself who perhaps should have been giving him better advice.” He added: “At the time there were no previous conviction­s.” The court heard his brother had “behaved wildly our of character” and since got his life back on track. Defending, Catherine Kikiogilli­gan said: “He has been living a pro-social lifestyle since this incident and continued to do so. He is now a trainee chef hopes to continue to do that.” Recorder Singh handed Brandon a sevenyear consecutiv­e sentence, six years for wounding with intent and one year for unlawful wounding.

His brother was given a concurrent sentence of 27 months’ imprisonme­nt for unlawful wounding and affray.

Meanwhile, Hilt avoided an immediate prison sentence, and instead, was handed a 12-month community order and ten days’ rehabilita­tion.

Recorder Singh said of Hilt: “You were very close to going to prison today.”

 ??  ?? Jordan Gilchrist, left, and Brandon Gilchrist have been jailed
Jordan Gilchrist, left, and Brandon Gilchrist have been jailed

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