Hull Daily Mail

Equality control

Cate Blanchett is superb as the campaigner looking to quash the feminist movement’s push for women’s rights in 1970s America

- With Sara Wallis


EQUAL rights for women and the heart of American politics in the 1970s are explored in this glossy, all-star saga. Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Uzo Aduba, Elizabeth Banks, Margo Martindale and Tracey Ullman head up the cast of the nine-part series.

With slick opening titles, gorgeous costumes and sets, this has the feel of a Mad Men-style period drama. It follows the true story of the fight over the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the feminist movement campaigned for the change to the constituti­on, to give equal rights to women.

But there was an unexpected backlash led by a conservati­ve woman called Phyllis Schlafly (Blanchett), aka “the sweetheart of the silent majority”.

On the other side, the likes of feminists Gloria Steinem (Byrne), Bella Abzug (Martindale), Jill Ruckelshau­s (Banks) and Betty Friedan (Ullman), iconic women of the era, are campaignin­g for change. Meanwhile,

Shirley Chisholm

(Uzo Aduba) is the first black woman elected to the

United States congress and has plans to run for President.

The first episode of a double bill focuses on Schlafly, an intelligen­t Republican wife and mother-ofsix who opposes the ERA.

Despite being constantly sidelined by men, she insists: “I’ve never been discrimina­ted against. I think some women like to blame sexism for their failures instead of admitting they didn’t try hard enough.”

When the feminists hear her thoughts, they brand her a “right wing nut job from Illinois”.in the second episode, the focus shifts to Steinem, who launches a feminist magazine.

Knock-out performanc­es make for a powerhouse production.

Well worth a watch.

 ??  ?? Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly and, inset, Tracey Ullman as Betty Friedan
Cate Blanchett as Phyllis Schlafly and, inset, Tracey Ullman as Betty Friedan
 ??  ??

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