Hull Daily Mail

The communicat­ion struggles for deaf people caused by use of face masks


- By DEBORAH HALL @Deborahhal­l15

A MUM has spoken of her young son’s struggle to cope with communicat­ing during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Tina Rycroft, had no idea about microtia, which results in underdevel­oped ears and associated hearing loss, until her son Charlie, now nine years-old, was born with left-sided microtia atresia.

She has spoken of the challenges her son faces with months of “face mask misery” still to come for thousands of deaf children in the UK.

Tina, of Flamboroug­h, said: “I think if people understood more about hearing loss or deafness and were more considerat­e then it would help a great deal.

“However, sometimes it is difficult, without labelling yourself as deaf by wearing a badge, then people don’t realise or understand.”

Charlie, who is one of four boys – with older brother, Harvey, 12, and younger brothers Reuben, seven, and Oliver, three, respective­ly – attends New Pasture Lane School in Bridlingto­n.

The schoolboy says he finds it hard to hear if someone is wearing a face mask - even though he has typical hearing in his right ear.

Tina said: “The worst thing for Charlie about masks is that it creates sounds that are muffled and harder to understand.

“His teachers currently do not wear a mask while in class, but they do wear one when in the corridors, hall and playground.

“Charlie said he does find it hard to hear when they’re wearing one – I even struggle and I have hearing in two ears.

“Charlie also reads facial expression­s in noisy environmen­ts and he hasn’t always been able to do this either, making communicat­ion difficult.”

Tina, who now works for Microtia UK, said Charlie wears a BAHA 5 (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid made by Cochlear) and is a clever boy “who thinks outside of the box” and loves to learn.

“He has always enjoyed school and he has lots of friends,” she said.

“We are hoping that Charlie’s school policy on not wearing masks within the classroom does not change – or if it did, that they would opt for a face visor instead of a mask.”

Tina said: “Charlie is lucky that he didn’t go out much during lockdown earlier this year, so he didn’t need to wear face masks (and due to his age he is actually exempt).

“However, as a charity, we do have adults, teenagers and the elderly who needed to wear face masks, but could not because of their microtia, as the typical face masks that you can buy from the shops were looped ear masks that were impossible to wear.

“Our charity was able to get adapted face masks that loop around your head, offering the same protection, but bypassing the ears, and hearing aids.

“My sister-in-law has her own company called Earth Kind Creations and she was able to make them for us.

“Charlie has one of these masks and it has been a huge help for when

he did decide he wanted one.”

New research by the NDCS has shown that just 23 per cent of the public know how to communicat­e with deaf people while wearing a face mask, but 84 per cent of people would change their behaviour to help a deaf person.

It has called on people to “play their part” in helping deaf people to

to wear feel included in conversati­ons and social interactio­ns, asking that they take heed of its five top tips, which include using clear face masks, writing things down and using apps to translate speech to text.

Susan Daniels OBE, chief executive of the NDCS said: “Face masks and coverings have made lip reading impossible and if people don’t know how else to talk to us, even everyday events like going to work or school, visiting shops and taking public transport can be quite intimidati­ng.

“However, what the public lack in knowledge they are making up for in enthusiasm and we must capitalise on this.

“My message to deaf people of all ages is to let someone know when you’re struggling to understand them, because there’s a clear and widespread willingnes­s to help you.

“The Government, businesses and the general public also need to play their part by taking our tips on board and helping us reach as many people as possible.

“A little deaf awareness will go a long way towards tackling the months of isolation and loneliness many deaf people are now facing.”

James Watson-o’neill, chief executive of deaf health charity Signhealth, said: “These are difficult times for everyone, but face masks have brought new challenges for us as deaf people.

“When we can’t read someone’s lips or see their facial expression­s, it really increases the communicat­ion barriers we face.”

The NDCS top tips for communicat­ing with a deaf person:

Keep it clear: If you choose to wear a mask, make one with a clear panel if you can, so your mouth is visible.

Write it down: If speech isn’t working, write it down or use a text message.

Find a quiet place: This will make it easier to hear, especially if technology is used to support hearing.

Be patient: Be flexible, creative and most of all patient in how you communicat­e with deaf people.

Use an app: There are mobile apps that can translate speech into text – why not try one?

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Tina Rycroft with her son, Charlie
 ??  ?? Charlie Rycroft
Charlie Rycroft

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