Hull Daily Mail

Third case of new variant detected


A third case of the Omicron strain of coronaviru­s has been detected in the UK.

Officials said the case was linked to travel to southern Africa, where the variant was identified, but the individual was no longer in the UK.

They added it was “very likely that we will find more cases over the coming days... as we increase case detection through focused contact tracing”.

The first UK cases were confirmed on Saturday in Essex and Nottingham.

It comes after Health Secretary Sajid Javid said mandatory mask-wearing will return to shops and public transport on Tuesday, but told families to plan for Christmas “as normal”.

He said on Sunday it was “nowhere near” time to reintroduc­e social distancing rules and work-from-home guidance, despite a raft of precaution­ary measures being reintroduc­ed to tackle the concerning strain of Covid-19.

Passengers arriving in the UK have been told that from Tuesday morning they will have to take a PCR test for Covid-19, with the expectatio­n they will have to self-isolate until they test negative. All contacts with a suspected case of Omicron will have to isolate for 10 days, regardless of their vaccinatio­n status, amid concerns that existing jabs will be less effective against the strain, which is believed to spread rapidly.

Details of the plans were incomplete when announced by Boris Johnson after two cases of the variant were confirmed in England on Saturday, but Mr Javid said the “face-mask rules are planned to come in on Tuesday” to bring the nation back closer into line with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

He said it “would be irresponsi­ble to make guarantees” during the ever-changing pandemic, but told Sky’s Trevor Phillips on Sunday: “I think people should continue with their plans as normal for Christmas, I think it’s going to be a great Christmas.”

With the Government stopping short of introducin­g its Plan B to tackle Covid-19 this winter, Mr Javid downplayed there being a need to reintroduc­e social distancing rules or work-from-home guidance.

“We know now those types of measures do carry a very heavy price, both economical­ly, socially, in terms of non-covid health outcomes such as impact on mental health,” he told Sky.

“So, if one was to make decisions like that they would have to be done very, very carefully and we’re not there yet, we’re nowhere near that.”

Mr Javid said he expects to receive new advice “imminently”, within the next couple of days, from the Joint Committee on Vaccinatio­n and Immunisati­on (JCVI) after it was tasked with reviewing whether boosters should be extended to all over-18s.

The group will also consider whether second doses should be offered to 12 to 15-year-olds, and whether the waiting time before a booster jab could be reduced.

“I’ve also asked the NHS to prepare for much greater capacity in our vaccinatio­n programme,” Mr Javid told The Andrew Marr Show on the BBC.

 ?? ?? Health Secretary Sajid Javid
Health Secretary Sajid Javid

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