Hull Daily Mail

Delivery rider hit multiple times in road rage attack


- By SUSIE BEEVER @Susiemayjo­urno

A MOTORCYCLI­ST whose nose was broken in a road rage attack says his assailant punched him in front of his own child and multiple other drivers.

Deliveroo rider Michael Derbyshire was carrying out a job delivering a Burger King order to an address in Sutton on Tuesday evening when a driver began motioning aggressive­ly at him at the Stoneferry roundabout.

Angered by Michael weaving through the congested rush-hour traffic on his bike, the unknown man – aged in his late thirties to mid forties – made a rude gesture at him through the car window.

But as he continued on his journey, the driver put his foot down and veered towards him.

Michael said the driver had a young child in his passenger seat – a blonde girl aged around seven – who he believed to be the man’s daughter.

It was at this point Michael said he slapped against the driver’s door in a bid to stop his aggressive behaviour.

The attacker, with the child in the car, then screeched in front of Michael, getting out and punching him twice in the face, then several more times in the side and back of his helmet.

“My nose was immediatel­y broken and pouring with blood,” Michael said.

“By the time I had dropped the bike stand and got off, he was running back to his van to make an escape.

“I attempted to prevent him leaving by opening the door but couldn’t. I then took hold of his wing mirror and attempted to gain entry through the window to take his keys, but couldn’t.”

The attacker sped off going the wrong direction around the roundabout into oncoming rush-hour traffic, disappeari­ng towards the next roundabout near Chamberlai­n Road.

Humberside Police are now trying to track down the driver, as it is believed numerous other motorists may have seen the attack and could potentiall­y have dashcam footage.

A police spokesman said: “A motorcycli­st was assaulted on Stoneferry Road, Hull, near to Pets at Home on Tuesday, November 23, at around 6pm.

“The motorcycli­st was punched several times by another angry motorist who got out of a white van, causing bruising to the victim’s eye socket and causing nose cartilage damage while the victim was on his motorcycle in traffic.

“We believe there may be numerous witnesses to this which may help us trace the offender.”

Michael added: “I only managed to get a partial registrati­on number because my eyes were badly watering from the injury to my nose and face and I was in some shock.

“Police have not yet been able to find any CCTV footage of the incident.

“Two women did stop in white cars to ask if I needed witnesses, but I was too dazed to have a proper conversati­on with them and the traffic was impatient to start moving, and they drove off while I was on the phone to the police.”

Michael was treated for his injuries at Hull Royal Infirmary, where his face was X-rayed for potential fractures to the cheekbone.

Doctors have since told him he has a cartilage fracture and he needs to attend Castle Hill Hospital this week to determine whether he will need corrective surgery.

He added: “I have not been able to ride and do my job for the past couple of days and probably won’t until my next hospital appointmen­t.

“I can’t wear my helmet due to facial swelling and pain, and the intense discomfort of the cold air entering my broken nose.

“I have also had a persistent headache and dizziness since the attack, which has not yet gone away.”

Anyone who witnessed Tuesday evening’s incident is urged to call police on 101, quoting log 356, of November 23, or log number 16/115856/21.

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 ?? ?? Michael Derbyshire was left with a broken nose and bruising after the attack in Stoneferry Road
Michael Derbyshire was left with a broken nose and bruising after the attack in Stoneferry Road

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