Hull Daily Mail

We’re always talking about our dreams... Freud haunts the production

Vienna Blood’s Matthew Beard and Juergen Maurer tell GEORGIA HUMPHREYS about filming in Austria and working in the shadow of the father of psychoanal­ysis


MATTHEW BEARD is recalling the tragic day last year when a gunman opened fire at six locations in the centre of Vienna.

It was November 2, the evening before a Coronaviru­s lockdown came into force. Bars and restaurant­s were reportedly particular­ly busy – and four people were killed in the attack (the gunman was also shot dead by police).

Londoner Matthew, 32, had been on set in the city that day; he plays Max Liebermann in BBC Two period crime drama Vienna Blood, which is returning for a second series next month, and is filmed in the Austrian capital.

He had finished work early and was on his way home from a dinner out when the shooting started.

“I have lived through terrorist attacks in London, but it felt very different here,” reflects the star – who’s best known for films such as The Imitation Game and And When Did You Last See Your Father?.

“It’s relatively small compared to London. I knew those streets very well; I knew those bars very well. So, it felt very different. Even though this isn’t my home city, it was very shocking.”

They were already due to have the next day off from filming, he adds.

“I think everyone needed that because everyone was so shaken.”

Vienna Blood, which was last on our screens at the end of 2019, is written by Sherlock’s Steve Thompson. The new episodes are again inspired by the Max Liebermann novels from author Frank Tallis.

Each story is 90 minutes long and follows the perceptive young doctor Max – he has impressive psychology skills – and the tenacious Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt (Juergen Maurer) as they investigat­e a different disturbing murder case.

Max is a middle-class British Jew who moved to Austria in his teens, while Oskar is half-slovak. Filmed in English, the series has become a hit around the world, and perhaps one of the reasons why is its setting of 1900s Vienna, with grand cafes and opera houses as backdrops.

These new episodes explore the city in 1907, and the change between the centuries is a particular­ly interestin­g time, notes Austrian star Juergen.

“It was the time for revolution not only in science, like psychology, but also in fine arts and music. Vienna was a hotspot for this developmen­t.”

Juergen, 54, studied art as a young man, in the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and he still lives in the city.

“What really surprised me was how filming changed my view on Vienna because you get so used to all the pictures and buildings and the sites that you forget how well you can shoot a period film in it,” says the actor, who previously starred in long-running German cop show Tatort. “It’s like, ‘Wow, look at this! This is where I live’.”

“Often we just turn up to an amazing location, and it’s just ready for shooting,” adds Matthew excitedly.

“There are a few touches – obviously historical things and plug sockets have to be hidden and whatnot. But, apart from that, most places are ready to shoot at.

“So, it’s a great trip through the city.”

Like so many other TV shows, the filming of Vienna Blood was delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Matthew admits he was worried about getting back into the headspace of the character after such a long break.

“I was thinking, ‘How am I going to find this again? Am I this person? “It did take a day or so. But once the costume was on, and especially once the Max and Oskar scenes started and that relationsh­ip kicked back in, it became second nature.”

Setting the scene for the new series, Matthew explains that Max has now set up in private practice, away from the hospital where certain people look down on the Freudian treatments he employs.

“He’s taking on responsibi­lity and committing even more to what he believes in. His passion for psychoanal­ysis and [Sigmund] Freud in the first season is there, against those people telling him it’s a fad or not based on any rational science, and he just doubles down on that in this season.”

Oskar turns up, quite early on in the first episode, teases Matthew.

“I think Max, as much as he’s enjoying having this private practice and going out on his own, is also quite happy when Oskar appears with another case for him because I think he misses that world – the seedy underside of Vienna.”

What makes the relationsh­ip between Max and Oskar so special is that they come from “really opposite ends of the personalit­y spectrum”, offers Juergen.

“Oskar is not an intellectu­al kind of man,” he elaborates. “He likes Max a lot and often simply doesn’t understand him, but he understand­s that the things that Max tells him about psychology make great sense for his job, for his success in hunting down criminals.”

Vienna Blood is Juergen’s first English-speaking role, and he confides “the first challenge was to dare to do it”.

“The producers from England were friendly enough to tell me, after our first discussion we had, that they will take my accent as a role model for the other German-spoken actors, which really relieved me a lot,” he adds. “And we have a brilliant voice coach who really helps me to be understand­able.”

While Vienna Blood is a thriller, there is also an intriguing psychoanal­ytical element.

Matthew reveals that he read a lot of Freud at university, as part of his English Literature degree. When the role in Vienna Blood come up, it was “a great excuse” to delve into his works once more.

“I read Interpreta­tion Of Dreams again and also visited his house in London, which is a great museum, and his office here. The original waiting room is here, which is pretty special to sit in.”

He adds that Freud’s work is subconscio­usly in his mind while playing Max. “He totally haunts the production because every morning we’re always talking about our dreams from the night before,” he comments.

“It’s always there and you can’t help but look at the props in the scene and the Freudian angle on everything does start to take over. Even the crew get involved, it’s fun.”

What really surprised me was how filming changed my view on Vienna Juergen Maurer

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 ?? ?? Left: Max (Matthew Beard) and Oskar (Juergen Mauer) have become friends through their crime-fighting collaborat­ions
Left: Max (Matthew Beard) and Oskar (Juergen Mauer) have become friends through their crime-fighting collaborat­ions
 ?? ?? Oskar, above, is an old-fashioned cop, but he understand­s that new science can help catch criminals
Oskar, above, is an old-fashioned cop, but he understand­s that new science can help catch criminals

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