Hull Daily Mail

Mauritian fish curry


Serves 4, ready in 50 minutes

• 4 skinless and boneless

cod fillets

• 2 level tbsp cornflour

• Low-calorie cooking


• 2 large aubergines,

cut into batons

• 1 large onion,

finely chopped

• 1 tbsp chopped

fresh thyme

• 10 dried or fresh

curry leaves • 3 garlic cloves, crushed

• 3cm piece fresh root

ginger, peeled and grated

• 3 tbsp curry powder

• 227g can chopped


• Chopped fresh coriander,

to serve

• Sliced spring onions,

to serve

• Boiled dried rice, to serve

• Vegetables, to serve

(see tip)

1 Pat the fish dry, season lightly and coat in the cornflour. Spray a non-stick saucepan with lowcalorie cooking spray, place over a medium heat and cook the fish for 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden. Using a fish slice, carefully move the fish on to some kitchen towel, pat dry and set aside.

2 Lightly season the aubergine, then add to the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Tip the aubergine on to some kitchen towel, pat dry and set aside.

3 Spray the pan with more low-calorie cooking spray and cook the onion, thyme and curry leaves for 2 minutes. Stir in the garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute.

4 Mix the curry powder with a little water to form a paste, then stir it into the pan. Add the chopped tomatoes and a few tbsp boiling water and cook until the sauce is simmering. Cover and cook for 10-12 minutes, adding a little more boiling water if you need to thin the sauce.

5 Add the fried fish and aubergine to the pan and leave to simmer for 3 minutes – try not to move the fish, as it will break up.

6 Scatter over the coriander and spring onions and serve with the rice and vegetables.

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