Hull Daily Mail

We need to change the voting rules in the UK


IF the local elections have told us one thing, it is that this Government is held in disdain by the vast majority of the electorate.

If the Queen’s Speech has told us anything, it is that this Government is bereft of ideas, oblivious to the needs of the population.

Of course, oil and gas companies should pay a windfall tax to help with the cost of living crisis.

Of course, VAT on energy should be reduced, as we were told by these very politician­s prior to Brexit.

Of course, benefits and pensions should rise with the increase in cost of living now, not at an artificial­ly low rate last September. We cannot let this happen again.

Even the Tory Party now knows we have a second-rate Cabinet, led by a charlatan; a Government we all must suffer for another two years. At the next election, agreements must be made, be they official or unofficial, such that in each constituen­cy the opposition party most likely to win is in effect unopposed.

More than that, no one party voted in by a minority of voters should be able to rule again by what is a near dictatorsh­ip, propped up by compliant MPS desperate to climb the greasy political pole.

Surely, we are in need of consensus?

The case for proportion­al representa­tion has never been greater. The only other European country with a first past the post system like ours is that paradigm of electoral probity: Belarus.

The last time the United Kingdom had a government elected by a majority of voters was 1935.

We deserve better than this. We deserve a government voted in by the majority, trusted by the majority, working for the needs of the majority. We need proportion­al representa­tion.

Mike Baldwin, address supplied.

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