Hull Daily Mail

‘Get a better-paid job?’ This is the reality at a Jobcentre in the city


- By JOSEPH GERRARD joseph.gerrard@trinitymir­ @Joegerrard­4

HARD-PRESSED Hull residents claiming Universal Credit say life is “becoming impossible” as the cost of living bites, with one saying recent comments from a Government minister were like a bad joke.

Five people attending a Jobcentre in Ferensway, Hull city centre, spoke to the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) about how rising prices are making it almost impossible to make ends meet, with little prospect of finding work. Many said they felt pessimisti­c, had to sacrifice small luxuries or were becoming desperate – and all believed politician­s failed to comprehend the scale of the cost of living crisis facing people like them.

Their comments came after a Government minister suggested people could work longer hours or look for a better-paid job if they were struggling amid spiralling living costs.

Safeguardi­ng Minister Rachel

Maclean told Sky News: “Over the long term we need to have a plan to grow the economy and make sure that people are able to protect themselves better, whether that is by taking on more hours or moving to a better paid job and these are longterm actions but that’s what we’re focused on as a government.”

More government help was coming, Ms Maclean added. But with inflation now at a record 9 per cent, and fuel and food prices rocketing, those that the LDRS spoke to felt they had had little support so far.

Laid-off builder: ‘It’s never been this bad’

Out-of-work builder Robert Cheesland said he did not see how MPS earning more than £80,000 could understand problems faced by people like him. He said he could not remember a point when things were as bad as they are now.

The 65-year-old said: “I’ve not had a Universal Credit payment yet, I came for my first appointmen­t today. I had a job on a building site but the work’s finished now.

“Previously I was able to go from one to another, I was getting £1,700 a month roughly, £2,000 sometimes, which was great.

“I think one reason why I’m struggling to find work is because of age discrimina­tion. They don’t say [it], but I’m 65 so I think it goes on.

“I’m in good nick physically, I went to the gym for 30 years, I just have a bit of arthritis in my hands, that’s all.

“I was 26 in 1982 and things were bad then, but never like this.”

Robert added: “We’ve got fuel going for 177p a litre, I never thought I’d see the day.

“Last time I was out of work was for a year because of coronaviru­s when building sites closed.

“I had to spend £8,000 of my own money from my savings to get through that. It’s unbelievab­le, and with the way things are going with the energy bills too, Universal Credit’s going to have to go up.

“With the way things are, it’s becoming impossible to live, seriously. I think there could be

With the way things are, it’s becoming impossible to live, seriously ... something’s got to give

Robert Cheesland

civil unrest if things carry on the way they’re going. It’s only a matter of time and something’s got to give.

“People could end up going out into the streets. If this was another country like France, they wouldn’t put up with it.

“My partner [has] a 93-year-old mum, she has to have the heating on all day.

“Something has to be done about this, we must be the worst of the major countries for the way we allow people to be treated.

“MPS are on more than £80,000 a year, how can they understand what it’s like?

“I’ve never been extravagan­t or flashy, even when I was in work I never wanted to be, but now it’s a nightmare to try to live.”

Out-of-work graduate: ‘Hard not to feel defeated’

Becky Blithe, a graduate who lost her retail job, said she felt politician­s were making a mockery of people facing hardship with their comments and handling of the crisis.

The 30-year-old said: “I’ve been on Universal Credit for about three months ever since the shop I worked at closed.

“It’s my first time on Universal Credit, it’s helpful but it’s not sustainabl­e to live off.

“I think I have a positive outlook generally, but with the way things are at the moment it’s hard not to feel defeated.

“I had £500 bill for energy in the last two months, that’s for a oneperson flat. I’ve lived there for seven years and I’ve never had problems affording it until now, I don’t even own a TV.

Becky added: “With the way things are now it would be impossible for me to afford it living alone. if I had a child, I don’t know what I’d do. Recently I had to turn to a food bank because I needed to save money to pay the bills. My diet’s still reasonably healthy, but it’s completely changed.

“I wouldn’t blame anyone in this situation for giving up on looking for work, it’s getting to the point where it’s hard to even afford to get to interviews, then if you get one there’s the cost of uniforms and commuting. With all the pressure it’s like having a swarm around you.

“Politician­s don’t live in the same world as us, they’re completely taking the p*** out of us. I’m not surprised so many people don’t even engage with politics anymore, I don’t, it’s a joke.”

Former shop worker: ‘If they haven’t lived it, they wouldn’t understand’

Christine Turnbull, 60, said she felt

politician­s would struggle to understand what people like her were going through, if they had never had to face such problems themselves.

Ms Turnbull said: “I’m on Universal Credit, I’ve been on and off it since I lost my last job during the first lockdown.

“That job was in a newsagents. It was a family-run business and they couldn’t afford to keep me on anymore. I’ve been trying to get work as and when I can ever since.

“I got a job at Hammonds of Hull, but I was one of the ones who was let go just after Christmas. I’ve been unemployed ever since.

“The problem at the moment is there’s too many people looking for work and not enough jobs going around. And the problem for me is that I’m restricted in where I can work. I can drive but I don’t have a car.”

Christine added: “I live in Willerby, so anything in central Hull’s fine, but I’d struggle to get to north or east Hull. I’d be looking at a train and then a bus. My bus to my appointmen­t here today got cancelled, so they’re not the most reliable and it’s just more money I have to pay.

“And regardless of that, I’m in my sixties, I was hoping I’d be able to retire soon. I’ve worked all my life, I’m a German national, though I have leave to stay here. I speak two languages and now I have to deal with this, it’s a nightmare.

“I look after my grandchild­ren for my son and daughter because they both work and can’t afford childcare, their kids are my social life now.

“And prices are going up in general but people’s incomes aren’t at the same rate, it’s ridiculous.

“Universal Credit’s gone up by a couple of quid. I wouldn’t be able to run a car with the price of fuel now.

“Luckily, my energy contract’s a fixed tariff until next year, so I’m just hoping that’s calmed down by then. It’s still hard though.

“It’s tough with my age because even though employers aren’t allowed to discrimina­te, they take a look at your CV, see you had a job in 1990 and they don’t want to know. But I have to because it’s either this or live on the streets.

“Politician­s don’t understand the scale of the problem, if you haven’t lived it then you’re not going to.”

Former carer: ‘I can’t afford to watch Rovers anymore’

Martin Irish, 57, said he had to cut out his weekly trips to watch Hull Kingston Rovers because of how tight money was.

Mr Irish said: “I’m on Universal Credit and I’m waiting to get on Employment Support Allowance (ESA).

“I started claiming in February, I was a carer for my mum for 14 years, but she died so I lost my allowance. It’s been two months since I started trying to get ESA and I still haven’t heard that it’s sorted for me. I feel like I’m going through the motions at the moment.

“I’m diabetic, I’m a qualified builder, but I can’t work on sites any more because of my health. Right now, after I’ve paid everything out, I’ve got about £80 left to last me three weeks.

“My brothers and sisters help me out and I’ve had help from charities. I’ve not used a food bank yet but with the way things are going I can see it happening. I’m a proud man, I have nothing against people who use food banks, but I’ve never had to do it before.

“The staff at the Jobcentre are great, it’s not their fault I’m struggling, it’s the way the system’s set up and the situation with jobs and prices at the moment that’s the problem.

“Day-to-day, I just wake up, do what I need to do, go to bed and get up and do it all again.

“I have friends and I go and meet them in the pub when I can, or if someone treats me.

“I used to go to watch Rovers every week but I can’t afford it anymore. I go round to my friends sometimes now to socialise.”

Former gardener: ‘I turned off the heating during winter’

Kevin Wheeldon said he felt resigned to the situation as it was at the moment and struggled to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

The 58-year-old said: “I’m on Universal Credit, I’ve been out of work for quite a while.

“It’s tough at the moment, but I feel like it’s just the way it is. The last job I had was before the pandemic when I worked as a gardener for six months, I’ve mostly just taken bits and pieces of work where I can.

“It was hard before but with the prices going the way they are it’s terrible, it’s hitting me even worse. I’m struggling to afford essentials.

“I’m trying to cut out drinking completely because I can’t afford to go out any more, I just sit at home. I also turned off the heating during winter.

“My parents are both dead and I’m single, so I’m on my own. I have a couple of friends I meet when I can, but it’s hard to see them with the way things are at the moment.

“Right now I’m just going to see what happens as far as the future goes - what will be will be.

“I’d like to go back to gardening but I haven’t found any opportunit­ies yet. The person I speak to in the Jobcentre’s really nice – it’s not their fault, there’s just not the jobs around for my skills.”

Prices are going up in general but people’s incomes aren’t at the same rate, it’s ridiculous ... Politician­s don’t understand the scale of the problem

Christine Turnbull

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 ?? ?? Robert Cheesland said he had to resort to Universal Credit for the first time in his life
Robert Cheesland said he had to resort to Universal Credit for the first time in his life
 ?? ?? The Jobcentre in Ferensway, Hull
The Jobcentre in Ferensway, Hull
 ?? ?? Martin Irish spoke about how the cost of living crisis is affecting him and other Universal Credit claimants
Universal Credit claimant Kevin Wheeldon outside the Jobcentre in Ferensway, Hull
Martin Irish spoke about how the cost of living crisis is affecting him and other Universal Credit claimants Universal Credit claimant Kevin Wheeldon outside the Jobcentre in Ferensway, Hull

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