Hull Daily Mail

Trading places: North Point businesses battle rising costs



IT is no secret that high streets and shopping centres have battled to survive over recent years, but some determined local traders remain optimistic for the future despite rising costs.

In light of the closure of Globo Gym in North Point Shopping Centre, blamed on a claimed £2,000 a month rent increase, it would be safe to assume they were not the only business struggling.

When we visited the Bransholme shopping centre, independen­t traders revealed that although they all had various leases with different rent conditions, they were all hit hard by a huge spike in electricit­y costs due to the energy crisis.

On top of that, the business owners said the abundance of empty market stalls and shop units had a big impact on footfall and was a blow to their income.

However, the traders have not yet declared defeat and use the examples of Leeds and Sheffield to show how nearby shopping centres, small businesses and high street shops and eateries can thrive in an age where online shopping seems to have taken over. One business in North Point revealed that, luckily, their business was stable and usually quite busy. However, they had noticed a dramatic increase in their electricit­y bill due to the energy crisis.

Last year, they were paying an average of £900 a month, which had gone up to £1,200 this year and it reached £1,500 at the highest point.

They are not the only ones facing a large increase, as fishmonger Mike, who owns the MJS Seafoods market stall is being crippled by the skyrocketi­ng costs.

He said: “I’m afraid we’re on our last legs. Over the years, we’ve gradually seen footfall decline and most stalls are empty, which hasn’t helped business.

“For my little stall, I went from paying £110 a month to £290 a month for the electricit­y.

“People leaving has had a really bad knock-on effect on all the other businesses and I’m going to leave the market and run a mobile seafood business very soon.

“The whole country is facing hard times at the moment and it’s true for us as well. My fear is it will get a lot worse before it gets better.”

However, another market stall owner is not ready to let the market go under just yet and is determined to look forward to a positive future.

He said: “The market is quiet and it is hard to keep the business going, but I don’t think that is true for all places.

“If you go to cities like Leeds and Sheffield, independen­t businesses really do thrive there and they also have lots of eateries around to draw people in. I think if rent was lowered, vendors would flock to take over stalls and the market would be full and busy again.

“North Point has already refurbishe­d the market with new floors and shutters. It is a lot nicer now than it was before.

“We need a few more places to eat, like in Trinity Market, and a better social media presence to remind local people that we are here and it’s worth coming in.

“Everyone has the idea that North Point is empty, so they don’t bother coming, which is the image we really need to change to get us back up and running properly.”

Steve and Claire operate a market stall in North Point Shopping Centre, that hosts their business Keys Butchers. The business has been operating there since 1973 and Steve, who has been there for 22 years, has seen many businesses come and go.

He said: “When I first started working here the market was completely full and now there are maybe ten stalls still open. It can’t be more profitable to have high rent and loads of empty stalls.

“With lower rent, both the vendors and the shopping centre would be better off. We do have lots of regular customers and people that come from all over to stock up on our meat. It’s just a shame that it isn’t busy as it used to be.”

Claire said: “Our main competitio­n is the big supermarke­ts, because it may be more convenient for people to get all their shopping in one go.

“The meat we sell is a lot better quality and cheaper than a lot of supermarke­ts, so we just really need to get the message out there to support your local butchers and local businesses.”

Despite facing a lot of adversity, the local traders are looking to work with North Point and the public to make the shopping centre boom with business once again.

They want the public to consider taking a walk down to their market for their meat or fish, for a cheaper and more tasty option than the supermarke­t, if they can.

They would also welcome any changes from North Point themselves to fill up the market with local traders once again and build on the refurbishm­ent project they have already done.

The Mail contacted representa­tives of North Point Shopping Centre to ask if any new initiative­s to help independen­t businesses were in the works, but they declined to comment.

When previously approached about Globo Gym’s closure and reported rent increases, a spokesman said: “We always go to great lengths to support our tenants and help them honour their lease commitment­s should they find themselves in a temporary cashflow crisis..

“Unfortunat­ely, there is little we can do if a tenant decides their business model is no longer financiall­y viable.”

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 ?? ?? Steve and Claire at Keys Butchers, which has been in North Point Shopping Centre, left, market since 1973
Steve and Claire at Keys Butchers, which has been in North Point Shopping Centre, left, market since 1973
 ?? ?? Fishmonger Mike at MJS Seafoods
Fishmonger Mike at MJS Seafoods

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