Hull Daily Mail

Tipping pointers



TO tip, or not to tip? That is the question. No traveller wants to offend a local employee by not offering a gratuity or, possibly, by offering one.

Research from car rental experts Stressfree­ has revealed the potential pitfalls facing tourists as they pay for their goods and services.

A spokesman said: “People travelling abroad don’t want to be caught up in uncomforta­ble situations when it comes to handling the bill, paying a taxi driver or thanking a hotel worker for their services.”

So here’s our global gratuity guide...

AUSTRALIA: Gratuities are not expected in Australia, but 10% or a rounded-up bill is always appreciate­d by restaurant or bar staff.

BRAZIL: Tips in Brazil should be left in a discreet manner, as Brazilians prefer to be subtle when it comes to the exchange of money.

It is customary for Brazilian restaurant­s to charge diners a 10% service charge. On top of this, 5-10% in cash is always gratefully received by servers.

CHINA: Tipping in mainland China is not expected, in some places it is even frowned upon. However, some highend restaurant­s and heavy tourist spots may become accustomed to receiving small tips.

CROATIA: Tipping norms differ depending on the establishm­ent. It is customary for change to be left at bars, 3-5% to be given at casual eating cafes and restaurant­s, and 10-15% at a higher-end place.

EGYPT: It is customary for tourists to leave 5-10% as a cash gratuity to servers.

FRANCE: Restaurant­s, bars and cafes will generally include a service charge in the final bill, so a tip is not expected. However, workers are grateful for a small tip in return for a pleasant experience.

GERMANY: Similar to the rest of Europe, there is no strong tipping culture, however servers and drivers will be grateful for a rounded-up bill or a small tip.

INDIA: Tipping is viewed as completely optional and is not expected. However, waiting staff are appreciati­ve of a small tip when no service fee is charged.

ITALY: Although tipping isn’t the norm for locals, it is welcome if tourists round up their bill as a thanks to servers (with the tip element in cash, so that it goes straight to the staff ).

JAPAN: Although it is often perceived as a compliment for staff to receive a tip, workers here will often politely refuse and might even consider the act to be insulting at times. Strict Japanese cultural expectatio­ns state that good service should be the norm rather than something to be rewarded.

NETHERLAND­S: When good service is received in Holland, locals and tourists will often ask servers to keep the change or they will offer small tips, even though Dutch law requires establishm­ents to include tips in their published prices.

SPAIN: Many European countries add a service charge on to bills, including Spain. Because of this, tipping isn’t expected or customary, however the offer of gratuity would be viewed as a generous display of appreciati­on.

THAILAND: Tipping is not customary in Thailand, but small gratuities for great service are appreciate­d.

UAE: A 10% service charge is required at Emirati cities such as Dubai, but staff will expect an additional 15-20%.

USA: The service industry in the States is renowned for having a very different tipping culture to Europe and gratuities can often make up a significan­t share of service industry salaries. So, it is expected that locals and tourists offer a tip of 15-20% of the final bill to the likes of wait staff, taxi drivers and porters.

 ?? ?? Providing good service is reward enough in some cultures
Providing good service is reward enough in some cultures
 ?? ?? Most staff will be pleased to get a tip
Most staff will be pleased to get a tip
 ?? ?? Americans expect the highest tips
Americans expect the highest tips

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