Hull Daily Mail

‘We used to go on cruises ... now we go to bed early to save money’


- By JOSEPH GERRARD joseph.gerrard@trinitymir­ @Joegerrard­4

AN elderly Hull couple have gone from going on cruises to going to bed early and stopping their weekly food shop to save money as the cost of living crisis continues to deepen.

Matt and Evelyn Scott said their days were now spent hunting for supermarke­t bargains after rising inflation made full weekly shops unaffordab­le. They added they had not been on holiday since before the pandemic and were now scared at the prospect of energy bills rising even further in the autumn.

The couple, who are in their seventies, had been reasonably comfortabl­e before coronaviru­s and the current inflation spike. But veteran Mr Scott added they may have to move out of their Willerby flat and look elsewhere if their landlord puts up their rent.

The 73-year-old said: “Things are getting worse and worse at the moment with the cost of petrol and everything going up. We need our car to get around but it’s costing so much more to fill up now.

“Before coronaviru­s we were getting on reasonably well, but since then and now with inflation going up things have gone downhill. We used to enjoy going to cafés to have lunch, but we can’t do that as much anymore.

“When I went I used to get a full breakfast, but now I just get a cup of tea and a slice of toast. Another thing we’ve had to cut out is going out to restaurant­s, we used to go two or three times a week, but now we just go to the fish and chip shop on a Friday for a treat.

“But even with that it’s about £20 for a fish and chips and tea for us both, it’s getting expensive. We don’t use our gas as much anymore either. I never used to think about it much before, but now we’ve got to be much more careful.

“We just put the heating on for an hour in the morning and an hour at night, we’ve started going to bed earlier at 9pm to save money on bills.

“I had a stroke a few years ago and my wife has arthritis so we get cold easily. My wife struggles in the cold so this autumn and winter’s going to be hard for us and don’t even ask about bills going up even more then, it’s scary.

“We can’t afford to do a weekly shop anymore because it’s too expensive at the moment.

“So, instead, we go around different supermarke­ts and hunt for bargains. We buy the reduced yellow label food and own brands more than we used to.

“Before this we’d go on cruises every year, but now we just do overnight trips to get away. I really feel for people who are down and out and on the streets, it’s hard for us, but they have it a lot worse so I try and give them money if I can when I see them.”

The couple were among those in Hull city centre who spoke to the Mail about the cost of living and how they are coping. All those who spoke said they had been forced to tighten their belts and cut back on small luxuries like eating out, going for drinks and taking holidays.

But they added they were also having to find ways to economise on essentials as rocketing inflation shows no sign of levelling out.

It comes as an Office for National Statistics (ONS) survey found around three in four adults in the UK were worried about the rising cost of living.

About seven in ten adults who were very worried told the ONS they were spending less on non-essentials and half thought about the cost of living nearly every day.

Meanwhile, a Yougov survey found 44 per cent of people had cut back on buying new clothes in the last six months. The survey found the most common things people were cutting back on were also eating out, non-essential food, takeaways, luxury items, day trips and even staple groceries.

‘I can’t save money right now’

Sam Romamo, 28, said rising prices meant she had had to cut back on eating out and going out with friends. She added she did not see any prospect of things getting better in the foreseeabl­e future.

The shop worker said: “I think everyone’s struggling a little at the minute. I work full-time and my rent and bills have all gone up, electricit­y and the price of food especially.

“Things are just about affordable at the minute, but the problem is I can’t really save any money right now. So I’ve had to cut back on going out for food and with friends, now I usually go straight home and cook instead.

“My mum doesn’t put the heating on much any more either. I don’t think enough’s been done to tackle rising prices, it just seems to get worse and worse.

“I think things will just carry on getting worse with the way they’re going, it’s getting harder and harder for everyone, but especially the unemployed.

“I was lucky because I could still work in the shop during the lockdowns, but I think after all that we should have got a better pay rise.

“If the cost of living’s going up then people’s wages need to go up too.”

‘You learn to adapt’

Grandmothe­r Irene Fowler said she was just about managing in the face of rising prices. But she added she worried for younger families, particular­ly those with more children.

The 70-year-old said: “I’m pretty lucky because I live on my own so I can just about manage. I just try and get on with it, but it’s the ones with young children that I worry about the most.

“For me, I try and avoid expensive things and I tend to shop around more to find the best deals. When you get to my age you’ve been through so much that you learn to adapt.

“I’ve got three sons and four grandkids, my sons are all in good jobs so they’re lucky and their kids are all starting work or have jobs now.

“It’s harder when you’ve got kids who are younger because you’ve got to provide for them. I don’t see what the point is in worrying about it, it would drive you crackers.

“What will be will be and I just hope things settle back down again. I try not to think about the winter too much, I’ll wrap myself up in blankets if I have to.”

We can’t afford to do a weekly shop anymore because it’s too expensive at the moment

Matt Scott

 ?? ?? Irene Fowler said she was just about managing but feared for families who had to try and provide for young children
Irene Fowler said she was just about managing but feared for families who had to try and provide for young children
 ?? ?? Matt and Evelyn Scott said their cruise holidays were a thing of the past as the cost of living crisis continues to bite
Matt and Evelyn Scott said their cruise holidays were a thing of the past as the cost of living crisis continues to bite

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