Hull Daily Mail

Man jailed after he set neighbours’ cars on fire as ‘revenge’


- By SUSIE BEEVER @Susiemayjo­urno

A MAN who set his neighbours’ cars on fire after finding out his brother had terminal cancer has been told he may lose out on his sibling’s final days after being jailed.

Arsonist David Holt torched the two vehicles in a “revenge attack” in November last year after one of his neighbours reported him to the police earlier that evening for smashing a car window. Incensed, the 46-year-old returned to pour fuel over the cars and set them on fire.

Hull Crown Court heard how the neighbour whose window was smashed went outside at 1.30am on November 2 to find Holt setting the two cars alight in Cheadle Close and tried to chase him. The victim later burned his hand on molten plastic as he tried to deal with the blaze.

Prosecutin­g, David Bradshaw called it a “revenge attack” in which accelerant was used to start the fires, which had been attempts to intimidate both neighbours as possible witnesses to his earlier vandalism.

It was also heard that Holt had been under extreme stress at the time of the attack, having recently discovered his brother had cancer which was believed to be terminal.

Dale Brook, in mitigation, told the court that his client was “dealing with the emotional strain of facing losing his brother at some point in the future” while an ongoing issue with his neighbours was “bubbling away” in the background.

“Historical­ly, he has not dealt well with very stressful situations in his personal life,” said Mr Brook.

“[Holt] told his psychiatri­st his head ‘exploded’ and he didn’t know what to do.” His worry is that while in prison he will lose his brother. That’s the cross he will have to bear.”

Holt pleaded guilty to two counts of arson and two of witness intimidati­on at an earlier hearing in April, and was sentenced

on Wednesday. Jailing him, Judge Fanning told the defendant that one of the cars he set on fire had been extremely close to a gas pipe.

“[The victim] wasn’t aware of this at the time and he speculates how bad things could have been given the proximity,” Judge Fanning said in his sentencing remarks. “I note you were stressed at the time as a result of learning that day of your brother’s terminal illness - with all of this exacerbate­d as a result of you turning to drink.

“There’s also, it has to be said, an element of revenge ... You believed both [victims] were witnesses and called one of them a ‘grass’ after they had made statements to the police. This was your way of getting back at them.”

Holt, of Cheadle Close, was jailed for four years and two months, minus his time served on remand.

 ?? ?? David Holt
David Holt

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