Hull Daily Mail

Barber ‘tearing her hair out’ over fridge



A HULL barber said she was “pulling her hair out” when her Currys fridge-freezer didn’t work properly and it took months to get a refund sorted.

Kerrie Preston, 55, who owns Inglemire Barbers in Inglemire Lane, bought a new fridge-freezer from the Clough Road Curry’s on October 5, 2023. She also paid £40 for a Currys “tech expert” to install it in her garage and recycle her old fridge freezer.

But not long after it was delivered on October 9, she began to experience problems with it and “lost all the food in the freezer”. Not knowing what the problem was, Kerrie hired a workman to check the electrics in her garage.

When no fault was found, she started using the fridge-freezer again but the temperatur­e fluctuatio­ns returned. “Everything was fine for another few weeks until I checked mid-january and the ice cubes were now a block of ice,” she said.

It was then Kerrie discovered her model of fridge-freezer could not work in an unheated garage.

She claimed: “They delivered the fridgefree­zer, installed it in the garage, and removed the old fridge-freezer. At no point in that sale was I told this fridge-freezer was not compatible with outbuildin­gs.”

Kerrie claimed the manager at Currys Clough Road told her the fridge-freezer was out of warranty and they couldn’t offer a refund or replacemen­t, advising her instead to hire an engineer.

Hull Live contacted Currys and a spokespers­on said Kerrie would receive a refund. Hull Live understand­s the fridge-freezer would be picked up yesterday.

Kerrie said: “It’s all been really, really stressful and I’ve been ripping my hair out for months.”

A Currys spokespers­on said: “Our team have been in touch with Miss Preston to apologise, as well as arranging for the product to be collected from her property and issuing a full refund to the original payment method.”

 ?? ?? Kerrie Preston
Kerrie Preston

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