Hull Daily Mail

Lip service



PARCHED? Your lips that is… If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone. Dry and chapped lips are super common, especially in colder months, and this is due to a host of things, from increased central heating usage drying out the atmosphere indoors and cold weather outside, to licking them too much and general dehydratio­n.

When lips begin to dry, they feel tight and uncomforta­ble, look red and flaky, and any lines around them can look more prominent.

This can make people feel self conscious, and we have enough on our plates juggling busy lives to be worrying about our lips too. Thankfully it’s a problem that is easily solved. Here’s how ....


The old adage ‘beauty starts from within’ is not a myth, and one of the most important things you can do to keep your lips smooth, soft and comfortabl­e is to stay hydrated. Aim for around two litres of water a day, but tea, coffee, juice and water-rich foods like cucumber and watermelon all count too.


Weekly exfoliatio­n will help to slough off any unsightly dead skin, which will gradually improve the look and feel of your lips. Having a smooth skin surface might also stop you picking at them too. Try the Lanolips Lip Scrub, £8.99 (, which comes in Coconut and Strawberry and is a balm-based scrub with exfoliatin­g fruit pieces.


We know the importance of wearing SPF every day, even when raining, to protect our skin from damaging UVA/UVB rays. But we tend to forget our lips. And even when we don’t, we can quickly lick off any product, or wash it off when eating and drinking. The answer? A protective lip balm with SPF. Keep it in your bag and top it up with a simple sweep every two hours. Try Carmex SPF30 Tropical Lip Balm, £3.99 (Superdrug), which can be worn alone or over lipstick.


Repeat after me: don’t touch, lick, pick at, rub or mindlessly fiddle with your lips. The more you do, the more irritation you can cause – and the worse any chapping and redness will become. Take up knitting, buy a fidget spinner, stroke a cat – just don’t touch your lips.


Regular lip balm applicatio­n soaks the delicate skin of your lips in muchneeded moisture and also creates a barrier between it and the elements hellbent on chapping them. There are plenty of balms to choose from, so you can have fun finding your favourite. And best of all, many cost just a couple of pounds.

 ?? ?? Kissable: Try products such as Lanolips Lip Scrub and Carmex Tropical Lip Balm, left, to keep your lips lovely
Kissable: Try products such as Lanolips Lip Scrub and Carmex Tropical Lip Balm, left, to keep your lips lovely
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