
Understand any travel restrictio­ns


You should take time to be aware of the various restrictio­ns that you need to adhere to before you travel. From weight and size limits for airline baggage to the exact items you are allowed to carry, a little planning could avert a whole host of time-consuming problems during your trip. We hope to help you avoid the worst scenarios.

1 Weigh yourself

Check the weight restrictio­ns your airline dictates, then weigh yourself on some scales. Now weigh yourself holding the suitcase and calculate the difference.

2 Prohibited items

Locate the home page for your airline and pay special attention to the items that cannot be carried on the plane. A little research will save you lots of time.

3 Batteries restricted?

If you are carrying your Apple laptop, you may want to double-check the battery rules. You can call the airline’s security team if you are at all unsure.

4 Not so smart

We will repeat the warning that if you own smart luggage where the battery cannot be easily removed, it will NOT be allowed on the flight. Do not take it.

5 Take what you need

Only take what you need to save weight and the potential for losing valuable equipment. Will your ipad suffice in place of your Macbook on your trip for your tasks?

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