
Prepare for the long wait at the airport


The wait at the airport can feel like forever when you are looking forward to your trip or can’t wait to get back home, but your trusty iphone can give you all of the entertainm­ent and interest you need to make it feel much more bearable. Using the right apps wisely can help a lot.

Importing movies 1 Offline films

Netflix and similar services now let you download selected films and TV shows so that you can watch them anywhere. You should do this before you leave for your trip.

2 Don’t stream

If you subscribe to services like Apple Music you can download tracks to play without an internet connection. This could also save data roaming fees when abroad.

3 Gaming on the go

Don’t forget to install a few games for those moments when you are unexpected­ly delayed. From two minutes to two hours, they can help the time pass very quickly.

4 Light reading

A few ebooks will go a long way on the beach, in the airport or anywhere else when you need some downtime. Kindle and ibooks both work exceptiona­lly well.

5 Offline articles

Apps and services like Instapaper and Pocket let you download Longford articles to read anywhere. These work well on leisure trips because they tend to be quick reads.

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