
Protect your data


It is always important to protect your personal informatio­n, but when abroad or travelling it is much more likely that you may mislay your phone or laptop. You should take adequate precaution­s at all times and many of these will need to be undertaken even before you leave. The good news is that it is neither timeconsum­ing or difficult.

1 Wipe, restore and repeat

If you are concerned that your iphone could be scanned at the airport, the nuclear option is to wipe it and to restore from icloud at your destinatio­n. A last resort.

2 Where is everything?

Make sure that Find My iphone is displaying all of your devices including Apple Watches, Macbooks, Airpods etc. This could be crucial when you really need it.

3 Encrypt your Mac

On your Mac, go to System Preference­s>security & Privacy>filevault and follow the process to encrypt your Mac disk. This will help protect all of your data.

4 Two-way firewall

Enable inbound and outbound firewalls while travelling in System Preference­s>security & Privacy>firewall. You can turn it off on your return if you wish.

5 Private browsing

In some countries you may want to consider using a private browser for internet access if you are worried about your accounts being monitored.

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