
Create soundtrack­s with the Movie track

Only one movie can be added to a project, but any can be removed easily via File >movie > remove Movie or via the ‘Movie’ button in the track header.


1 Open Movie

Starting with a new, empty project, navigate to File > movie from Garageband’s top applicatio­n menu bar. Hover right and select ‘Open Movie…’ to browse in Finder.

2 Selecting file

The following Finder window opens on the macos Movies folder by default. Browse to the location where your desired movie file is stored, then select and click the ‘Open’ button.

3 Movie added

The movie is added to the project, placing a strip of frames into the Movie track. A floating Movie window also shows that can be moved aside, resized or closed for now.

4 Original audio

The movie’s audio is placed into a track below. It can be muted in the header or removed if unwanted, while the Smart Controls (B) can be used to adjust output.

5 Time and alignments

You might at this point wish to alter the time format in the project LCD. Click the down arrow on the right edge to pick Time and align any subsequent regions accordingl­y.

6 Adding tracks

The compositio­n process is as simple as normal. Loops or recorded regions are added on extra new tracks, positionin­g them under the Movie track above.

7 Preview playback

Show the Movie window via the thumbnail in the Movie track header. Press the ‘Play’ button to preview how your track regions are synced to the action, adjusting accordingl­y.

8 Audio exported

Once ready, navigate to File>movie and this time pick ‘Export Audio to Movie…’ to view a dialog where you can name, locate and pick the export quality before clicking ‘Save’.

9 Viewing result

With the new movie file exported, browse for it within Finder and preview either via spacebar or in Quicktime Player to watch and hear the soundtrack now added.

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