
Automate your daily iphone usage with Shortcuts

Streamline your day with Shortcuts


We all use our phones in different ways so it is, of course, not possible to completely automate your daily iphone usage. Shortcuts, however, will help you to take the hassle out of the tasks that you undertake multiple times a day and can also help to streamline your time so you can enjoy the fun moments more often.

1 The morning news

‘Top News Stories’ lets you grab the headlines from various sources the moment you wake up. It’s useful to know if you should even attempt to go to work.

2 A good start

If something you need to do at work springs to mind early use ‘Remind me at work’ to set a notificati­on to pop up the moment you get to your workplace.

3 Enjoy your commute

If you drive to work, use the ‘Play Playlist’ Shortcut alongside Siri to quickly play your favourite music. It will help to get the day off to a good start.

4 Listen and learn

Grab the ‘Spoken Editions’ podcast to catch up on the latest news with just a tap or a spoken word command. Be informed before you reach the office.

5 Get the buzz

You need a lift, a break or to entertain a client? Start up ‘Walk to cafe’ to find the nearest coffee shop and grab the sustenance you need to keep going.

6 Keep fit

Coffee drunk, work is going well, so you need to move at lunchtime. ‘Log run’ ensures that the exercise you do is stored to help you improve even further.

7 See the agenda

You are rushing to an important afternoon meeting so best run ‘View meeting agenda’ to make it look like you are on top of things. Perception is everything.

8 Time for home

Avoid the traffic on the commute home by running ‘Directions home’ with just one tap. It will be worth using it every day before you head for home.

9 Read and relax

‘Put your feet up and read’ does what it says it will. Choose your favourite read it later service and enjoy some quality reading at the end of the day.

10 Keep a record

You have done your exercise, worked hard and achieved a lot in the day so it’s time for pizza. ‘Pizza assistant’ will ensure you get what you need instantly.

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