
Iphone tweaks

Customise the Accessibil­ity settings


Good vibrations

Vibration can be set to on or off and it is a global setting for everything. It is useful to have vibration on when the phone is in silent mode so you can tell when someone calls.

Call Audio Routing

Press here and there are options to always answer on Bluetooth or speaker. Auto-answer can be enabled and you can choose the number of rings to wait before automatica­lly answering a call.

LED alerts

Press here and set the iphone to flash the light when there is a call. There is a separate option to flash when the phone is set to silent, and this is useful for spotting calls.

Noise cancellati­on

The iphone can use the microphone on the back side to listen for noise around you and then automatica­lly reduce it in the call. You and the receiver will hear more clearly.

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