
Scan documents using your iphone and attach them to Mac emails

Insert scanned documents into emails on your Mac in Mail using an iphone as a hand-held scanner


Some services have gone paperless, but there are still a lot that rely on paper documents. When you need to send them to someone over the internet, such as by email, you need to scan them in and attach them to a message, which can be easy or awkward depending on your hardware and setup.

The easy way to scan a document and attach it to an email is to use an iphone and the Mail app can wake your phone, activate the camera in it and monitor the picture for rectangula­r shapes. It automatica­lly snaps them, crops them, sends them to the Mac and they appear in the email. This is a fantastic feature and a real time-saver.

 ??  ?? With Apple’s eco-system you can use your iphone to scan docs for Mac
With Apple’s eco-system you can use your iphone to scan docs for Mac

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