
Perfect your audio timing using Flex Markers in Garageband

Learn how to manually edit the timing of audio wave ‘transients’ using flex markers or automatica­lly with quantisati­on


Getting musical timing tight is a big deal in music production. Often referred to as making music to a ‘grid’ or timeline, software makes it easy to perfectly match a strict tempo. Both a blessing or curse, timing tools like ‘quantisati­on’ can ensure every drum strike or chord strum hits right. Garageband has historical­ly used something called ‘Flex Time’ here. Flex applies to audio region waveforms, allowing the peaks or ‘transients’ to be moved using markers. This manual option is really useful and could yield a more organic timing edit. In this guide we look at how those markers work and also cover the Time Quantise option.

 ??  ?? Flex Time allows you to manually manipulate the timing of your tracks
Flex Time allows you to manually manipulate the timing of your tracks

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