
Good editing is everything


Literally no one in the world can write a novel and make do without any editing at all. It is close to impossible to separate yourself from your own works and so the need for an outside look is essential. There are many options and you will need to decide if software or a person will do the editing for you.

1 Find an editor

A simple Google search will bring up thousands of book editing services. We won’t recommend any, but some research in this area will definitely pay dividends in the future.

2 An app editor

Some of the writing apps include editing features and there are standalone editing apps also available. Take care if relying wholly on an app to edit all of your work.

4 Save and share

We recommend that you share your work as you progress with friends and family. Using people you trust to check your work can be hugely beneficial and confidence building.

5 A second eye

You can complete every aspect of your novel with your Apple products, but we still suggest allowing the editing to be done by someone else. A second eye makes sense.

3 Prevention not cure

Try to spend as much time as possible honing your sentences and paragraphs. The more time you spend double-checking your work as you write, the less editing is needed.

6 Nothing is certain

Please remember that editing can be as subjective as the writing itself. There is no single way to edit a book so do as much research as possible and take advice.

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