
View data in Numbers

Use smart categories in Numbers to view info in tables in different ways with a few clicks


Spreadshee­ts can be complicate­d, but Numbers has added a new trick in the latest version that simplifies them and makes informatio­n easier to read. Smart categories provide new ways to view informatio­n in spreadshee­t tables. They don’t change the underlying data but they do change the way data is presented. Smart categories offer different views and can be turned on or off with a switch. They are easily customised, and with a few mouse clicks you can see informatio­n in a whole new way. You need a small spreadshee­t for this tutorial, and to keep it simple we created basic ones that record the contents of our home and office equipment, which could be very useful for insurance purposes.

 ??  ?? Numbers has been updated to provide us with smart categories, that provide new ways to view informatio­n
Numbers has been updated to provide us with smart categories, that provide new ways to view informatio­n
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