Ideal Home (UK)

Editor’s letter

- Heather Young, Editor

I may be a summer superfan, but that’s not to say I’m not rather partial to engaging in hibernatio­n mode come autumn. An evening spent nestled on my spot on the sofa (I nabbed the end with the chaise so I can stretch out), under a cosy blanket, with the mantelpiec­e lined up with candles, ranks pretty highly on my ‘favourite places’ list.

I’ll be treating myself to a few new cushion covers for a quick update (for more low-effort fixes see Easy Style Updates, page 105). We haven’t been in our new home for a whole year yet, so I’m enjoying getting to know the house in each season. Autumn is the last on the list to experience here, and as we’re surrounded by trees, I think it’s going to be a treat. Of course, I may quickly change my mind when I’m clearing up piles of leaves for the hundredth time!

As the days get shorter, the right lighting comes into play, which is why we lined up the experts for some great advice, from page 82. I’m stuck with nothing but spotlights in our living room, so installing a statement ceiling pendant is on my wish list (page 22 offers shopping inspo). And with that, I reckon I’m hibernatio­n-ready!

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