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How creating a moodboard will help you to visualise your project


VISUAL COLLECTION Not sure where to start when planning a new room scheme? One way to make the job easier is using moodboards. If you like to get hands-on, a physical board is great for building up with fabric swatches, wallpaper samples and images cut out from magazines and brochures. Alternativ­ely, you can create a digital version on your phone or tablet using screenshot­s of your favourite pieces of furniture, décor schemes, colours and patterns. Creating a visual collection of all the different design elements together in one place will help you to focus your style and imagine the space as a whole., Pinterest and are all good for creating a digital moodboard.

SAVE FOR LATER Even if you’re not starting a new decorating project, whenever you see a room, piece of furniture, colour, even a landscape that you love, save it to a folder or cut it out and stick it in a scrapbook. That way when it comes to finding ideas for a specific room you will already have a bank of images that inspire you rather than starting from scratch. Once you have a project in mind, you can start to fine tune it by picking out a hero piece, such as a favourite fabric, which you can then use as the lynch pin for your design. Then, build up the scheme by choosing other fabrics and patterns that sit well alongside it and expand out to paint or flooring options. Don’t forget to include furniture, rugs, soft furnishing­s, artwork, lighting and other accessorie­s, too.

GO WITH THE FLOW Choose things that make you feel happy, so the design reflects your personalit­y. ‘Remember there is no right and wrong,’ explains Lisa Mitchell from Mitchell Rose Interior Design. ‘Just let it evolve, help guide your decision making process and keep you inspired.’

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