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Coping and dealing with loss, sadness and grief


THERE are no one size fits all solutions to coping with grief, but some of the strategies below might help you manage your feelings and give you some comfort.

Spend time with people

Tell your family and friends about your feelings and remind them that you need company. If your energy and motivation are low, suggest meeting at your home.

If you don’t have family or friends that are close, or they are grieving too, you can contact a local bereavemen­t service through your GP, your local hospice, or a befriendin­g service.

You could also consider volunteeri­ng when you feel ready, and if you have time. It can be a great way to meet new people and has proven to have huge benefits for people’s wellbeing.

There are many accounts out there of volunteers talking about how it has benefited them.

Give yourself time

It is best not to make any significan­t decisions for a while, especially if they involve spending large amounts of money or making big life changes.

Decisions that you make during this time can be influenced by your grief, and you might regret making them later. so give yourself some space.

Everything you are feeling is normal

Sadness, sleeplessn­ess, a sense of unreality and even guilt are among the feelings you might experience when you are grieving.

Don’t be afraid of how you feel, and if any of your feelings or thoughts are troubling you there is lots of support and organisati­on available to help you.

Don’t be afraid to cry

Crying is the body’s way of reducing stress and is a very natural reaction.

It doesn’t matter whether it is days, weeks, months or years after someone has died.

If you feel like crying allow it to happen.

You won’t always feel like this

Grief is a process that is extremely difficult, but it gets easier with time.

It is very common for there to be good days and bad days, but in time the good days outweigh the bad. By staying active, and focusing on each day as it comes, things will get easier.

 ?? ?? Grieving the loss of a loved one can be difficult.
Grieving the loss of a loved one can be difficult.

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