Impartial Reporter

Popular Principal reveals her upcoming retirement plans


THE Principal of Fermanagh’s only integrated Primary School has announced that she will retire at the end of the school year.

Adele Kerr, Principal of Enniskille­n Integrated Primary School and Nursery, informed parents of her decision via letter on Wednesday morning (March 13).

Mrs. Kerr has been the Principal of the school for 25 years and will remain in post until August 31.

In the letter, she said: “I have informed our Board of Governors of my intention to retire from post on August, 31 2024.

“In the interests of openness and transparen­cy, we thought we would inform you, as the process will need to commence to appoint a new Principal from September 1, 2024.

“I have been a Principal for 31 years - a long time - and have had the honour of being the Principal of this amazing, outstandin­g integrated nursery and school for 25 years.”

The school has been transforme­d during Mrs. Kerr’s tenure, having doubled its intake, with a £6.9m extension opened in 2023.

Notable visitors include former US President Barack Obama, and former Prime Minister David Cameron, who called into the school during the G8 Summit, where they met students and staff and participat­ed in several activities with them.

During the visit, Mr. Obama told students and staff at the school to “dream big dreams”.

In 2012, Mrs Kerr was awarded an MBE for services to Education by Queen Elizabeth II.

Detailing how difficult a decision it was for her to retire, Mrs. Kerr said: “You will know this decision for me was not taken lightly, as this school is my passion, and I only ever wanted what was best for our children, and it is them I will miss.

“However, maybe it is time for a different chapter in my life.”

Mrs. Kerr assured parents that business will continue as normal, saying there is “lots of work to be done, and most of all, fun to be had”.

 ?? ?? Adele Kerr, Principal of Enniskille­n Intergrate­d Primary School and Nursery rememberin­g the visit of Barack Obama and David Cameron to school. Image: John Mcvitty
Adele Kerr, Principal of Enniskille­n Intergrate­d Primary School and Nursery rememberin­g the visit of Barack Obama and David Cameron to school. Image: John Mcvitty
 ?? ?? Adele Kerr, Principal of Enniskille­n Intergrate­d Primary School and Nursery, rememberin­g the visit of Barack Obama and David Cameron to the school. Photo: John Mcvitty.
Adele Kerr, Principal of Enniskille­n Intergrate­d Primary School and Nursery, rememberin­g the visit of Barack Obama and David Cameron to the school. Photo: John Mcvitty.
 ?? ?? File photo of Michelle Mcilveen (centre), then Minister for Education, with pupils Cora Masson and Oliver Paton cutting the first sod of their new extension at Erne Integrated Primary School, as Mrs. Kerr and Neil Jardine look on. Photo: John Mcvitty.
File photo of Michelle Mcilveen (centre), then Minister for Education, with pupils Cora Masson and Oliver Paton cutting the first sod of their new extension at Erne Integrated Primary School, as Mrs. Kerr and Neil Jardine look on. Photo: John Mcvitty.

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