Impartial Reporter

AFBI division issues Nematodiru­s worm infection warning to sheep producers


AFBI’S Veterinary Sciences Division has advised sheep farmers of the likely risk of Nematodiru­s worm infection in young lambs, currently occurring at this time of the year. Paul-emile Kajugu, Jason Barley and Bob Hanna from the Disease Surveillan­ce and Investigat­ion Branch, said Nematodiru­s infection results from the ingestion of large numbers of infective worm larvae present on contaminat­ed pasture.

Lambs grazing the same pasture in the previous year were the source of this contaminat­ion.

For Nematodiru­s eggs to hatch, they should experience a period of cold weather followed by warmer conditions. These conditions are usually achieved during the winter and spring of each year.

Nematodiru­s eggs passed out by lambs in 2023 will generally have remained unhatched on the ground throughout the winter season.

Given suitable conditions of moisture and temperatur­e, they will undergo mass hatching this spring, resulting in a high risk of infection for lambs. Affected lambs develop profuse scour and can die rapidly.

Using a forecastin­g system based on climate data, staff at the Institute have determined that hatching of Nematodiru­s eggs has already commenced, and that 10 per cent of the annual hatch would have occurred in mid-march.

The current meteorolog­ical readings indicate that peak hatching is taking place at present, in this first half of April.

Nematodiru­s normally only affects lambs between six and 12 weeks of age and clinical signs usually appear two weeks after ingestion of large numbers of larvae. Although rare, Nematodiru­s infection can occasional­ly cause problems in young calves. Therefore, farmers should be on the alert for signs of scour in lambs (and possibly young calves at grass) from mid-april into May.

Farmers should be aware that Nematodiru­s infection might be confused with coccidiosi­s, another disease which can cause severe scour in young lambs.

As the treatments for Nematodiru­s infection and coccidiosi­s are different, accurate diagnosis and treatment recommenda­tions, through your veterinary surgeon, are essential.

Nematodiru­s disease can be avoided or reduced in lambs by:

• Not grazing lambs on the same fields as those grazed by lambs of a similar age last year; and

• Using anthelmint­ic drenches every two to four weeks. The interval between doses depends both on the particular anthelmint­ic used and the severity of infection. To date, only limited evidence has been found of drug resistance in Nematodiru­s to any of the available classes of anthelmint­ic.

An added cause of concern for sheep farmers this year is the possibilit­y that Haemonchus infection may be prevalent amongst growing lambs in the summer months.

Last year, unpreceden­ted localised increase in Haemonchus infection in sheep was noted, likely linked to the mild, wet climatic conditions.

As a result, pasture in affected areas is likely to be contaminat­ed by parasite eggs surviving from last season, and yearling animals are likely to be carrying hypobiotic larvae, which will be a source of infection for growing stock later in the season.

Haemonchus infection causes profound anaemia in lambs, often with scour, which may be blood-stained. Animals succumb rapidly, and numerous losses can occur in affected flocks.

Your veterinary surgeon should be consulted at an early stage. They are in an ideal position to provide advice on the prevention and /or treatment strategy best suited to your particular circumstan­ces.

AFBI’S Veterinary Sciences Division can test faeces samples from sheep or cattle to determine the level of worm eggs present. A minimum of five grams of faeces from each animal is required for this test.

Any animals which die showing signs of bloody scour and/or anaemia should be submitted for post-mortem examinatio­n and testing for haemonchos­is.

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 ?? ?? Nematodiru­s worm infection in young lambs may occur earlier than normal this year.
Nematodiru­s worm infection in young lambs may occur earlier than normal this year.
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