We are still here, just!


It’s great to be back. Given the last two years that have been one of the most trying times in modern history, an event that has changed the way we work, live and travel, the future is certainly very unpredicta­ble. Planning anything long term has become almost impossible, whether that is booking a business trip away or taking the family on holiday, for some, the first time since the pandemic has become a chore. And I know this first hand.

Last year, I managed to take the family away to St Remy in France, one of my favorite parts of the world. It has everything I would want, amazing peaks and trails to walk on, the food is fantastic, and it is a part of France that doesn’t have a large amount of tourism. We ended up traveling there in October, the perfect time to go, the weather is warm, not hot, and because it is after the summer holidays, it is also nice and quiet. I remember when getting ready to travel, organising our vaccine certificat­es, sworn statements and double checking passport dates, as well as constantly checking the flight status... Honestly, for a short flight, I have never been so stressed.

Today, in 2022, it almost feels like we have forgotten the whole Covid-19 thing, and everything is now about the Russian-Ukraine war. Now, that’s not to say that Covid has just disappeare­d, but having spent twos years turning on the news, social media, or just meeting other people; Covid-19 was always the topic of choice. It has come to the point that I hate talking about it. It is here to stay and we have to accept it, but now the focus is moving on and doing what we can to get back to some form of normality.

So lets move on.

I am pleased to present you the first edition of IMPERIUM, formally known as Asset Intelligen­ce. Myself and the team spent some time restructur­ing our media arm and decided that the change was needed to fit with our clients and brands that we are working with. In this first edition for 2022, we are working with PressReade­r, one of the largest digital newstands in the world, enabling us to be able to share the very best of the luxury market to consumers. We have some amazing features like the new Airbus Corporate Jet TwoTwenty and the stylist superyacht Soaring, a feature written by my good friend and colleague at Ocean Independen­ce.

And a final shout out to our friends at Top Marques Monaco, if you haven’t booked your tickets for the show, I would highly recommend that you do it soon as they are in high demand.

In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy this first edition and here’s to a successful 2022.


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