That’s right, proper warm weather.

- Karl

Summer has finally arrived, and at the time of writing this, it is a balmy 27 degrees here in Kent, England. That’s right, proper warm weather. With this amazing weather comes all the luxury events, from the Royal Ascots to Formula One. But my favourite and highlight event was the Top Marques Monaco Show, which hosted its first inperson event since the pandemic. And what a show it was!

Featuring over a hundred brands from across the luxury sector and more than a dozen launches by HRH Prince Albert II, this is one of the most exclusive events of the year. The event is mainly known for the high quality of products on display; but it is also the only supercar show in Monaco that closes off sections of the Grand Prix track for those who want to test drive supercars.

Within this issue of IMPERIUM, we have some truly outstandin­g brands that I couldn’t ignore, like MB and F. This watch brand has always been one of my favourites, and I have waited some time to feature them. Their watches are pure art; the images within the feature don’t do justice to the jaw-dropping timepieces. In this issue, we take a look at two of their watches: the Fly-T, which was also designed in partnershi­p with Bulgari, and the LMX Steel & Brass, which is the kind of watch I would wear.

We also have an indepth piece on a concept yacht by Feadship called Pure. This particular design caught my attention due to is very clean lines and the eco-friendly drive train. We would also normally have an Interview with a Chef, but we are in peek charter season and chefs onboard superyacht­s are unbelievab­ly busy. We also take a look at the Vision Jet, perfect for those who need a jet to fly domestical­ly and even better for those that have their own pilots licence.

In this edition of IMPERIUM, we feature a wide variety of properties, the majority of which are located in Barbados. The high demand for second family homes in paradise has been steadily increasing, as more and more people are looking for a personal escape. These new developmen­ts are using cutting-edge, eco-friendly building techniques while still providing privacy and exclusivit­y to owners. The next edition of IMPERIUM will be released in August, so in the meantime, enjoy the amazing summer that we are having, and enjoy the current edition of IMPERIUM.

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