I Can’t Seem to Escape Her!


What a fantastic summer it has been! The sun has been out, temperatur­es have reached the lower 30s, at least here in the UK. I am so pleased to see luxury events coming back too; I have missed them. I have spent most of my time in the sun working and topping up my tan before Autumn pops its head around the corner.

I have enjoyed working on this third edition of IMPERIUM. It has allowed me to get a real idea of what brands are up to, with some amazing opportunit­ies for you. Firstly, we have a brand new watch from one of my favourite watch brands, Breitling. They recently launched their SuperOcean collection, which is outstandin­g in terms of design and presence. Another exciting new product comes from Maybach, who have a brand new Eyewear range. As a person who wears sunglasses all the time, their new range speaks to me.

For our assets, we take a look at the Airbus Corporate Helicopter ACH135, which has been setting industry standards for other manufactur­ers. I love helicopter­s for their accessibil­ity and design, but the ACH 135 is in a league of its own. I also take a look at the amazing V12 from Lamborghin­i, which is set to be replaced in the coming years, which will make Lamborghin­i’s V12 very investible. I also explore three SUVs from three brands that you would never think of.

Ed in this edition has shared his thoughts on keeping your property safe whilst you go away on holiday. You will be surprised how simple the tips maybe, but important non-the-less. For our interview piece, I have a chat with Chef Alessandro Benacquist­a onboard Force Blue, which we were actually looking at as a venue for our own F1 event earlier this year. I can’t seem to escape her, not that is a bad thing; Force Blue is a fabulous superyacht and for me I find yachts with a coloured hull just standout. Thank you to the team at Fraser Yachts for making this interview happen during peak charter season!

As we come towards the end of August, I hope that the sun will stay out for a little longer. I am not a fan of cold weather. However, that does give me an excuse to escape to the French Riviera for the end of year yacht shows...

I hope that you enjoy Edition 3 of IMPERIUM and safe travels.


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