Improve Your Coarse Fishing (UK)




Some years ago I worked for the MOD on an RAF base in Germany. One day I had an accident at work which changed my life. I suffered a trauma to my spinal cord which would affect everything. I had represente­d the RAF in athletics and cross-country running and was no longer able to do this. I also had to give up my job on health grounds. I moved back to the UK and decided to take up coarse fishing again as it was something I had been passionate about as a young boy. It was great learning about new methods and tackle. I felt alive again. I also achieved my coaching badges with the Angling Trust and coached kids and families on a voluntary basis. All was well until April last year when I aggravated my back injury and had to stop working because of chronic pain. This then led to mental health problems. I was suffering from reactive depression, stress and anxiety – my life was in turmoil. My GP advised me to continue with my fishing. By that time I had little interest and I was just going through the motions. A few days ago – on Christmas Eve – I decided to go fishing for a couple of hours on a local pond. It was raining and the wind was cutting. I felt miserable and thought to myself, 'what am I doing here?' And then it happened. My waggler float plunged out of sight. I struck and a large golden rudd ended up in my landing net. The feeling of excitement and elation had returned. Fishing through the desperate dark days has helped me through to the other side. Now I am thinking about my fishing targets and coaching others. As long as I am able to get out fishing I can feel 2018 is going to be a good year. Tight lines!

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