Independent School Parent



Nursery 2+

At this tender age, children are on the cusp of a school career that will span 16 years, finishing at 18. With exams and homework still a way o in the distance, right now, it’s all about developing a natural curiosity and learning through play.

Pre-Prep 4+

Starting in the year that your child turns five, small class sizes, dazzling teaching and stand-out facilities are the name of the game here. It’s never too early to assess your child’s true potential, and what better place to start than with a solid foundation at pre-prep? See page 24

Prep 7/8+

It’s all in the name with prep school: it prepares your child for senior and public school. As the 11+ and Common Entrance exams loom on the horizon, education takes a decidedly serious turn as the hunt is on to find the perfect senior school for your child.

See page 26

Senior 11+, 13+

Sixth Form 16+

Prepare to be amazed by the range of subjects from which pupils choose their A-levels or Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate – from traditiona­l discipline­s like history and maths, to new ones like fashion. It’s crunch time and all in aid of securing a place at university. See page 42

With GCSEs and the numerical grading system firmly in place, a clutch of A*s might just not be enough any longer. The pressure is on to secure a clean sweep of grade nines – a nine is a higher grade than an A* and is for those of exceptiona­l ability. See page 34

IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO ASSESS your child’s true potential, and what better place to start THAN WITH A SOLID FOUNDATION AT PRE-PREP?

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