Independent School Parent


Ellesmere College has unveiled the latest recipient of a scholarshi­p to honour Ellesmere Ellesmere born founder of the Save the Children charity, Eglantyne Jebb Ellesmer


Abi-Lou Foster, from Market Drayton, was awarded the Jebb Scholarshi­p a er demonstrat­ing ‘sel ess support’ to her community through volunteeri­ng and fundraisin­g activities over the last seven years.

The scholarshi­p, which will support Abi-Lou through her two years of A-levels in Sixth

Form at Ellesmere College, honours Eglantyne Jebb who launched Save the Children at the end of World War I.

Abi-Lou said: “Being kind, caring and helpful are values which have always been important to me. ere are very few people who are aware of the personal commitment which I make to charity work and volunteeri­ng. Ellesmere College noted this on my applicatio­n to Sixth Form and because of it I was o ered and awarded the Jebb Scholarshi­p; for this I am incredibly grateful.”

Abi-Lou was awarded the scholarshi­p based on her impressive list of volunteeri­ng and fundraisin­g activities, including volunteeri­ng at Project Farm supporting young adults with learning di culties; volunteeri­ng at a project for patients with dementia and their carers, and volunteeri­ng at a Dogs Trust rescue kennels. She has also raised money for the Alzheimer’s Society, the NSPCC, her local swimming club, e Little Princess Trust, the to her com National Autistic Society, Save the Children Shrewsbury Ark and took a leading role in the Operation Shoebox Appeal.

She also started raising money for a trip to Borneo to volunteer at the Orangutan Orphanage and Sun Bear Conservati­on Center and beach clean ups but due to Covid this was cancelled so she donated the money raise to the World Wildlife Fund.

Future intended ventures include undertakin­g a lifeguardi­ng course and performing a sponsored skydive.

Richard Jebb, Eglantyne’s great, nephew said: “Abi-Lou is the second recipient of the Jebb Scholarshi­p and a worthy winner.

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 ?? ?? Abi-Lou Foster recipient of the Richard Jebb Scholarshi­p
Abi-Lou Foster recipient of the Richard Jebb Scholarshi­p

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