Independent School Parent


Lincoln Minster’s new BTEC Diploma in Sport aims to equip students with both player and career pathways within the game of golf


Co-educationa­l independen­t day and boarding school, Lincoln Minster School has collaborat­ed with Woodhall Spa Golf Management to deliver a new BTEC National Extended Diploma in Sport (Golf).

e Level 3 Extended Diploma aims to develop students’ theoretica­l knowledge within sports science and the golf industry, while also developing their golf skills on a fulltime performanc­e pathway.

Pupils can have access to the world-famous facilities at the National Golf Centre, Woodhall Spa, the home of England Golf, and also used by the rising stars in the sport.

Pupils can also access the world-famous Hotchkin course (the 61st ranked course in the world), receive exceptiona­l golf coaching, and will have access to a rst-class academic provision at Lincoln Minster School.

Simon Grocott, Deputy Head at Lincoln Minster School, said: “Having witnessed our students being coached at Woodhall Spa rst hand on many occasions, the opportunit­y for any student to improve their game is truly immense and I believe, unrivalled.”

“e BTEC programme ensures that students combine outstandin­g coaching with a quali cation that will prepare them for the next stage in their gol ng journey - whatever that may be.”

e latest developmen­t comes a er the school was recently recognised nationally for Sporting Achievemen­t in the Independen­t Schools of the Year 2022 Awards. e aims of the programme are to prepare each pupil for an elite player pathway within both the amateur or profession­al game, and a career pathway within golf science; in strength and conditioni­ng, nutrition, biochemist, data science or physiother­apy.

Visit lincolnmin­ to arrange an individual visit. For an online meeting, email admissions@lincolnmin­ or call 01522 551300.

 ?? ?? Facilities at the National Golf Centre
Facilities at the National Golf Centre
 ?? ?? The world-famous Hotchkin course
The world-famous Hotchkin course

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