Independent School Parent

Old Vicarage School


48 Richmond Hill, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, TW10 6QX

Head Teacher: Mrs Gill Linthwaite

Admissions: Miss Fiona Murdoch registrar@oldvicarag­ o€ce@oldvicarag­ 020 8940 0922

GENDER/AGES: Girls, 3-11 years



FEES: Nursery – £4,690 per term for 5 full days. Prep – £5,590 per term


MAIN EXIT SCHOOLS: St. Paul’s Girls’ School, LEH, Godolphin & Latymer,

Putney High, Wimbledon High, Surbiton High, Kingston Grammar and major boarding schools.

ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Early registrati­on for our main entry point at 3+ is recommende­d as we do get very oversubscr­ibed. Our first year of entry is through our pre-school, Little Vic. Ošers for entry are made 18 months ahead of girls joining us and based on date of registrati­on, although priority is given to siblings. Places higher up the school are ošered after girls have spent a morning with us when they will be assessed in Maths and English.

School Philosophy: We ensure your daughter is given an exceptiona­l start, both academical­ly and socially. We aim to fulfil her potential and exceed your expectatio­ns in a warm and nurturing environmen­t.

Academic Record: As a school which is non selective on entry we are very proud of our outstandin­g academic achievemen­ts. Each year our girls will go on to London’s best day schools with some also boarding. Most girls will receive 3 or 4 ošers each with most achieving their first choice school and many gaining scholarshi­ps, exhibition­s and awards.

Extra-curricular: These include coding, yoga, debating, swim squad, junior and senior choir, ballet, touch typing, netball, fencing and chess, fine art and orchestra. The school also runs a biennial ski trip.

Notable Achievemen­ts and Alumni: Hilda Mary Woods – Medical statistici­an and Epidemiolo­gist; Hayley Mills - Actor; Jemima Goldsmith - TV, film and documentar­y producer, journalist and campaigner.

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