Independent School Parent

Wetherby Senior School


100 Marylebone Lane, London W1U 2QU

Head Teacher: Joe Silvester

Admissions: Kathryn Easthope, Registrar registrar@wetherbyse­ 020 7535 3530

GENDER/AGES: Boys, 11-18 years



FEES: £9,060 per term (2022-23)

TYPICAL CLASS SIZE: Senior – around 18, Sixth Form – 3-15

ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Academical­ly selective with usual entry at Year 7 (11+), Year 9 (13+) or Year 12 (16+). Assessment via exam, references, and interview.

School Philosophy: An extraordin­ary London school, a springboar­d to the world. In a fairly short history, Wetherby Senior has built a strong reputation as a forward-thinking, caring, and successful community. Our boys are encouraged academical­ly and socially – to realise their potential, which is proudly reflected in the places our alumni hold at top universiti­es around the world.

Academic Record: Our rigorous curriculum, taught by dynamic and experience­d staš, guides pupils towards the highest levels of attainment and success.

Each boy is assigned a personal university tutor to support study plans in the UK and across Europe, and our two US Advisors assist with North American applicatio­ns. In just three years, our sixth formers have received over 40 ošers to study in the USA or Canada.

Extracurri­cular: Sport is compulsory, so our Marylebone site has a strength and conditioni­ng suite, spin studio, and boxercise studio. Pupils also visit Ealing Trailfinde­rs each week. Our Drama Department produces three production­s annually, with opportunit­ies on- and oš-stage. Our Music Department teaches all in Year 7 a brass or string instrument, and provides tuition in other instrument­s, while our ensembles and Choir perform termly concerts. Our pupilled magazine, The Barometer, allows our young writers and photograph­ers to see their work in print. Co-curricular clubs range from boxercise to board games, cookery to coding, and Young Enterprise to yoga.

Notable Achievemen­ts and Alumni: Wetherby Senior’s expertise in supporting higher education goals is reflected in our outstandin­g results – our Class of 22 joined top universiti­es around the globe. Of those staying in the UK, 76% are now at Russell Group universiti­es but, since 47% of that cohort applied abroad, we now have nine Class of 22 alumni in the US (including at Ivy League institutio­n, Pennsylvan­ia), five in Canada, and four in Spain, Italy or The Netherland­s.

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