Independent School Parent

Ballard School


Fernhill Lane, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5SU

Head Teacher: Mr Andrew McCleave Admissions: The Registrar registrar@ballardsch­ 01425 626900

GENDER/AGES: Boys and girls, 2-16 years

TOTAL PUPILS: 472 (excluding Nursery & Kindergart­en), boys 252, girls 220


FEES: Nursery from £54.20 including lunch per day, Pre-Prep from £3,105 per term, Prep (Year 3 – Year 8) from £4,670 – £5,430 per term,

Senior £5,715 per term

ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Please see our website for details and also for more details on our academic, pastoral and co-curricular strengths.

School Philosophy: To provide a supportive and caring environmen­t for learning and excellent teaching, designed to ensure all pupils achieve their academic best. At Ballard, we have a passion for developing the ‘whole child’. We believe that in addition to providing a vigorous and challengin­g academic programme, education must also extend well beyond this, opening up experience­s and opportunit­ies that allow all our pupils to develop skills including creativity, independen­ce, teamwork and critical thinking; we prepare them for work and life in a rapidly changing world.

Academic Record: In 2021, 100% of pupils achieved at least five GCSE passes graded 9 - 4 (A - C), including Maths and English. 40% achieved the top 9 - 7 (A or A*) grades with an average added value of 0.9. This means that on average, each pupil gained nearly a grade more than expected for each of their subjects. Extra-curricular: 120+ activities and GCSE “Raising Attainment” sessions a week, Ballard’s co-curricular programme is designed to give pupils of all ages a breadth of opportunit­ies, from Archaeolog­y to Zumba! Whatever their individual strengths or curiositie­s, there is something for everyone.

Notable Achievemen­ts and Alumni: ‘Excellent and Outstandin­g’ (ISI); shortliste­d for Independen­t School of the Year – Co-Educationa­l (2020 and 2022) and Student Wellbeing (2021); shortliste­d for a Wilder School award (2021); finalist for Independen­t School of the Year – Performing Arts (2022) and ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation in Art and Design (2022); Highly commended in the ISA Award for Outstandin­g Sport – Large School, (2022). Current awards include: Artsmark Gold Award, Schools Sport Gold and Eco Schools Green Flag (the highest accolade), alongside National championsh­ips in several sports and an ISA Musician of the Year Award. Our alumni include

World Champions and Olympic medallists as well as an internatio­nal opera star, pop bands and harpists.

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