Independent School Parent

Copthorne Prep School


E ngham Lane, Copthorne, West Sussex RH10 3HR

Head Teacher: Mr Nathan Close

Admissions: Mrs Kathryn Billingham West headspa@copthornep­ 01342 859954

GENDER/AGES: Boys and girls, 2-13 years

TOTAL PUPILS: 270, boys 53%, girls 47% TYPE: Day, Weekly, Flexi Boarding

FEES: Nursery – One morning per week from £477. Five mornings per week from £2,385 per term. Pre-Prep – Reception £3,490, Year 1 £3,600,

Year 2 £3,655 per term. Prep – Year 3 £4,820, Year 4 £5,295,

Years 5-8 £6,075 per term. Flexi boarding from £35 per night

TYPICAL CLASS SIZE: Pre Prep – 16, Prep – 18

MAIN EXIT SCHOOLS: Hurst, Worth, Lingfield College, Ardingly, Farlington, Dunottar Sevenoaks, Lancing, Christs Hospital, Bedes, Caterham

FAITH: Church of England

ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Having visited our school and met the headmaster, you will be invited to register if you feel Copthorne Prep is the right school for your child. Having registered, your child will be invited to a taster experience depending on their age. Children joining reception and above will spend time with their peer group during which some assessment work will be carried out in reading, writing, spelling and maths. Subject to availabili­ty, assessment­s and school reports, a place will be ošered.

School Philosophy: Copthorne Prep School has developed an outstandin­g reputation for helping children to realise their full potential. By providing opportunit­ies for all to succeed, children leave us as confident individual­s, well prepared for their progressio­n to senior schools of their choice. We inspire all our pupils to become lifelong learners, responsibl­e global citizens and the very best that they can be. Simply, we develop confidence, provide opportunit­y and realise potential.

Academic Record: Copthorne Prep has an outstandin­g reputation for helping children successful­ly gain entry into the senior school of their choice and many of these children enter with scholarshi­ps. 50% of our year 8 children have received scholarshi­ps to their next schools over the last five years and 100% of children were successful at gaining a place in their first choice school. Extra-curricular: Our mission statement recognises that success does not just take place in the classroom. We value and actively encourage participat­ion in a wide range of activities outside of normal lessons. We are proud of the huge range of extra curricular activities that are available. There are some clubs that run at dišerent times after supper and will vary depending on the time of year. Swimming, forest activities, climbing, fencing, science, fitness, cricket, ICT, netball, art and comics are just a few of the activities on ošer.

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