Independent School Parent


Exceptiona­l facilities, an all-round education, and a rich heritage: there are many reasons to consider the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, says Principal Alex Foreman


The country’s only state fullboardi­ng school (weekly boarding is also available), the Duke of York’s Royal Military School (DOYRMS), o ers an a ordable option for parents and families seeking a boarding school with high educationa­l standards.

Set on top of the renowned White Cli s of Dover, the school’s 150-acre parkland estate o ers unrivalled facilities and a wide breadth of opportunit­ies for its students. DOYRMS, open to ages 11 to 18, is based on an independen­t-style model, with Saturday morning lessons and co-curricular activities throughout the week.

However, parents are only required to pay for boarding, as the government pays for the education. is means the inclusive boarding fee is only £5,435 per term (£16,305 per year, correct at time of writing). is fee covers full boarding, catering, laundry and more than 80 clubs and activities per week, including Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, for which the school is an accredited centre.

O ering academic scholarshi­ps – which cover an 80-per-cent fee reduction for sixth form students who excelled in their GCSEs – makes the school even more a ordable. DOYRMS also o ers a limited number of sports scholarshi­ps in hockey and rugby.

In recognitio­n of the exceptiona­l academic standards, the school has been awarded two SSAT Educationa­l Outcomes Awards. e award-winning school, with outstandin­g managers and leaders (Ofsted 2018), hosts various open mornings throughout the year and o ers private tours.

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 ?? ?? DOYRMS students benefit from a host of clubs and activities
DOYRMS students benefit from a host of clubs and activities
 ?? ?? The school’s 150-acre estate boasts exceptiona­l facilities
The school’s 150-acre estate boasts exceptiona­l facilities

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