Independent School Parent

Badminton School

Westbury Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3BA


Headteache­r: Mr Stuart Dalley (Acting Head) Admissions: admissions@badmintons­ +44 (0)117 905 5271

GENDER/AGES: Girls, 3-18 years

FEES: Nursery £30 per session (there are two sessions in a day), junior

(day) £3,640-£4,170, weekly and flexi boarding please contact us for more informatio­n, full boarding from £8,300-£9,520, senior (day) from £6,100, weekly boarder from £11,440, flexi boarding, please contact us for more informatio­n, full boarding from £12,140-£14,180 per term

TYPICAL CLASS SIZE: Prep – 16, senior – 18, sixth form 2-12

FAITH: Non-denominati­onal.

MOTTO: Pro Omnibus Quisque Pro Deo Omnes.

ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Please see the website for details.

School philosophy: Badminton o™ers a holistic approach to education; to put it simply, it encourages the girls to get hands on with their subjects, ask questions and really get stuck in. The school’s focus is on nurturing the girls’ natural curiosity and fuelling their passion for learning, rather than simply ‘filling them up’ with knowledge. What is special about Badminton? It is impossible to narrow it down to one thing, but its unwavering sense of community is something that really needs to be experience­d to be believed. Badminton is fortunate that the size of its campus and community gives an unparallel­ed homely feel to the school, in which every girl is known by all. With more than 35 nationalit­ies represente­d within the close-knit community, girls develop an understand­ing of the viewpoints of others and an appreciati­on of the school’s internatio­nal outlook.

Academic record: GCSE grades A*-A/9-7: 80%, GCSE grades A*-B: 92%, A-level grades A*/A: 73%, A-level grades A*/A/B: 86%.

Extracurri­cular: Some of the extracurri­cular activities on o™er at Badminton have an academic bias, such as ICT programmin­g club and young engineerin­g. Others allow the girls to pursue their talents and interests, these include symphony orchestra, debating, cross stitch, technical theatre club, Model

United Nations, Leiths School of Cookery and young enterprise. Health and wellbeing activities include running club, fencing, judo, dance club, DofE, Pilates and CrossFit.

Notable achievemen­ts and alumni: Alumni include Rosamund Pike (actress), Dame Iris Murdoch (novelist), Indira Ghandhi (first and only female Prime Minister of India to date), Mary Fedden (artist).

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