Independent School Parent

Salisbury Cathedral School

1 The Close, Salisbury, SP1 2EQ


Head Teacher: Mr Clive Marriott

Admissions: Mrs Jojo Orange admissions@salisburyc­athedralsc­ 01722 555300

GENDER/AGES: Boys and girls, 3-13 years

TOTAL PUPILS: 220, boys 121, girls 99

TYPE: Day, Weekly, Flexi, Full Boarding

FEES: Nursery – refer to the website. Pre-Prep – Day from £3,329 per term,

Prep – Year 3 – Day from £4,991, Years 4-8 – Day from £5,998 per term, Boarding supplement (4 or more nights) £2,815 per term.


MAIN EXIT SCHOOLS: We do not feed into any particular senior school and instead ensure that we find the right senior school for all our pupils. In recent years our pupils have lead onto, Bryanston, Canford, Cheltenham Ladies College, Cheltenham College Dauntsey’s School, Godolphin, Lancing College, Marlboroug­h, Warminster, Wells Cathedral School, Winchester College as well as the two maintained grammar schools in Salisbury, Bishop Wordsworth’s and South Wilts.

FAITH: Church of England

MOTTO: “Domine dilexi decorem domus tuae” Psalm 25:8: ‘I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy house’


School Philosophy: Here at Salisbury Cathedral School, we are dedicated to the happiness and enrichment of every child in our care. We focus on building confidence, without arrogance, by celebratin­g each pupil’s individual talents and ensuring they know their own importance within our community. We hold your child in our hearts.

Academic Record: On average 80% of our pupils achieve scholarshi­ps to their chosen senior schools each year. Extra-curricular: A vast selection of clubs are run termly, both in the day time and before and after school inc, riding, sailing, karate, archery, fencing, judo, pottery, swimming, bushcraft, dance. In addition to the clubs run by external providers, the teaching sta¤ provide a good selection of clubs at no additional charge.

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