
Annexed Ukrainians forced to vote as part of Putin re-election bid

- By Yuras Karmanau and Emma Burrows

Ukrainians living in regions illegally annexed by Russia are being coerced to vote in the presidenti­al election of their wartime occupier, Vladimir Putin – an exercise denounced by Ukraine as an illegitima­te effort by Moscow to tighten control.

Polls open in Russia today but they opened earlier in four annexed regions of Ukraine close to the front line, some of which are not fully in Putin’s control.

Many Ukrainians fled these regions – or were deported by Russia – after Putin’s invasion two years ago, and there are reports of people being forced to vote at gunpoint. There are no internatio­nal election observers in Ukraine.

The Russian government is pushing Ukrainians with billboards and posters to vote “for their president” and to “take part in the future of our country”.

“The elections are an extension of military occupation and of the war itself ... rather than an exercise in the democratic franchise,” said Sam Greene, a director at the Center for European Policy Analysis in Washington.

Putin first assumed the Presidency in 1999 after Boris Yelstin resigned

While there are polling stations, Russia has also dispatched officials with ballot boxes to people’s homes, saying it is safer for them to vote on their doorsteps.

Polls are already open in Russianocc­upied Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzh­ia. In Crimea, which was annexed from Ukraine by Putin in 2014, polls open today.

In the Donetsk region, the Ukrainian mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boychenko, said his city was a symbol of Russia’s “military nightmare” and of an “electoral process in ruins”.

He said a woman “accompanie­d by two Chechen military men with machine guns” showed up at his neighbour’s apartment with a ballot box insisting voting was not optional.

There have been multiple reports of Russian-installed authoritie­s forcing people to vote, and threatenin­g to withhold medical care or other social benefits from those who do not.

More than two dozen Ukrainians who refused to vote have been arrested, according to human rights activists.

Analysts say the Kremlin is eager for a high turnout to signify control, silence dissent and present Putin as a legitimate leader.

The Institute for the Study of War said it expects the Kremlin and Russia-installed officials in Ukraine to “fabricate” a high turnout.

The Russia-installed governor of Kherson, Vladimir Saldo, said on Thursday that turnout in early voting was “better than expected” and that lines were forming at polling stations.

The Moscow-installed governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said yesterday that the turnout in early voting was “better than expected” and that queues had been forming at polling stations.

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 ?? AFP/GETTY ?? Voting in the presidenti­al election gets under way yesterday at a mobile polling station in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine
AFP/GETTY Voting in the presidenti­al election gets under way yesterday at a mobile polling station in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine

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