
Freedom of speech is not a right to rant and get it wrong

- Simon Kelner

“Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect.” These were the words of the satirist and social commentato­r Jonathan Swift more than three centuries ago, and rarely have we had more cause to reflect on his sentiment than this past weekend.

The killing of six people in a shopping mall in Sydney was awful enough, evoking the distressin­g imagery of unspeakabl­e horror visiting an everyday scene.

The period thereafter should be a time for reflection and empathy, but that’s not the way of the world today. We need to ascribe motives, draw parallels and apportion blame. And social media now gives anyone with a smartphone and a following the means to rush to judgement and the platform to disseminat­e misinforma­tion and prejudice. Falsehood flies as never before.

Two people who are employed by mainstream media in the UK, the Talk Radio host Julia HartleyBre­wer and the Channel 4 presenter Rachel Riley, were especially quick to share their views on the Sydney killings. Hartley-Brewer said it was “another terror attack by another Islamist terrorist” while Riley posted the assertion that this was part of a “Global Intifada”.

As we now know, this attack was instead a random and unfathomab­le act of violence. Both have retracted their posts, although HartleyBre­wer’s climbdown – she didn’t delete her post sooner, she said, because she was “out and busy all day yesterday enjoying the sunshine with my lovely family” – will have struck many as less than gracious. And, of course, you may say the damage had already been done in terms of stoking anti-Islam sentiment.

Riley (inset) has 700,000 followers on X, formerly Twitter, and HartleyBre­wer has almost half a million, so these are not the posts of ignorant people with nothing better to do than sow division. Their posts have a mass circulatio­n, and that is why it’s important to draw attention to their erroneous and potentiall­y dangerous contributi­ons.

Hartley-Brewer and Riley are experience­d enough to recognise that freedom of speech, a fundament of a civilised society, bestows a responsibi­lity on all of us. The fomenting of racial tension is not a price worth paying for the right to say whatever you think.

For example, no newspaper with a similar reach to Riley or Hartley-Brewer would dream of publishing inflammato­ry statements without proper investigat­ion, or to present conjecture as fact. I know that a call for reason and calm reflection on X is naive because that, in Elon Musk’s universe, is not its purpose.

But free speech has always had a limit and we saw where it lies this weekend. The world will become an even more perilous and divisive place if there are no checks and balances or, seemingly, justice for those maligned on social networks.

That’s why I make no apology for highlighti­ng these two individual­s when there were many more who were equally as guilty on social media. Hartley-Brewer and Riley should know better.

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